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About Me:

I write about video games and horror-related items. Also, I wear a hat.

Quick Game Progress 3/25/17
March 25, 2017

Teslagrad (PS4)
Finished it. I was going to review it, but it's on indefinite hold. We'll see if I can muster the inspiration to write one in the future.

Fire Pro Wrestling Returns (PS2)
Dug this one out of the closet and played around with it. I've mostly been setting up and watching computer controlled battles, because it's that damn entertaining. I learned that pitting Andre the Giant against Bison Smith is not a good idea, as they both run out of fuel after a few minutes and spend the rest of the match panting. Every time one of them would connect with a slam, he would automatically go into exhaustion and would be unable to cover the other man. Eventually, Bison was able to pull off a consecutive slam and a cover to pin Andre.

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Game Progress 3/21/17
March 21, 2017

Trine: Enchanted Edition (PC)
Powered through and finally finished this one. This was one of the first Steam games I purchased, about seven years ago.

Teslagrad (PS4)
Defeated a very frustrating third boss, then moved on to a group of puzzles involving a huge orb similar to a hamster ball. I completed that segment and then entered a new area that I haven't had time to examine. I hope to review this one when I'm finished.

Gone Home: Console Edition (PS4)
Restarted and played through the whole thing in one sitting. Good story. Don't expect a review out of me, though.

Hungry Shark World (Android)

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Game Progress 3/17/17
March 17, 2017

I haven't gamed much lately, mostly because I've been trying to catch up on my movie and book backlogs. I did polish off the novel Divergent, and I'm well into A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. I would have the latter done by now, as it's a short novel, but I put it off the side for a bit so I could finish the former book and Risen 3.

Pokemon Go (Android)
Not much to report. I caught a Girafarig and a Chikorita, plus I hatched Tyrogue, Larvitar and another Porygon. Now I just need to obtain an Upgrade and 27 more candies to get Porygon2.

Teslagrad (PS4)
Defeated the second boss and obtained a cloak that allows me to utilize the various colored magnetic waves. I explored a little bit more, but I think I may be stumped on where to go next.

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Game Progress 3/4
March 04, 2017

Pokemon Go (Android)
The game continues to be a "shooting fish in a barrel" kind of affair. I can't remember everything I've caught or hatched, as I've added a lot to my Pokedex in the last couple of weeks, but the highlights are: Croconaw, Pineco, Tangela, Mareep, Togepi, Skarmory, Quilava and Qwilfish.

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Game Progress 2/19/17
February 19, 2017

Pokemon Go (Android)
I caught and earned via evolution a lot of Gen 2 Pokemon. I had a feeling that if Niantic released too many at one time, the game would lose some of its charm, and it kinda has. Right now, catching 'Mons is like shooting fish in a barrel. I think I've hit the point where I've caught most of the common ones, but I still feel like I'm growing apathetic to the sensation of adding a new one to my dex.

Gained since the last post: Furret, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Ledian, Spinarak, Ariados, Crobat, Natu, Xatu, Flaaffy, Marill, Hoppip, Skiploom, Sunkern, Wooper, Espeon, Umbreaon, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Snubbull, Sneasel, Slugma (hatched from a 2 km egg), Swinub, Phanpy, Blissey.

Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (PlayStation)

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Game Progress 2/16
February 16, 2017

Pokemon Go (Android)
Last week was the beginning of the Valentine's Day event (it ended recently), which bumped up spawn rates of some rare Pokemon, such as Lickitung, Chansey and Porygon. Of those, the only one I needed was Porygon. As luck would have it, I managed to secure one while downtown, thus leaving me only a couple of Gen 1 5km Pokemon to obtain.

Today also marked the official beginning of Gen 2 Pokemon, as something like 80 new specimens have been released into the wild. Of those 80, I managed to get my hands on Sentret and Ledyba. What a day!

Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (PlayStation)

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It's been hard getting back into old school survival-horror
February 15, 2017

I've been playing Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare on PlayStation lately. I've had the game for a number of years, but never bothered to go through it because I wanted to play through the original 3 installments first. Unfortunately, at the time I purchased New Nightmare, obtaining the original 3 for PC was difficult without pirating, using DOSBox and tweaking my system or the games' files.

Thankfully, GOG held the answer. I registered there, bought the original trilogy in a three-pack and finished them. Now that I'm finally delving into New Nightmare, I have to say that it's both not at all worth it and so worth it.

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