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About Me:

I write about video games and horror-related items. Also, I wear a hat.

Steam Games I've Played: Section A Conclusion
September 08, 2019

A Section Concluded:

A Zelda clone that's actually quite fun. There really isn't much more to it than that, and some added comedy. It's also a little more linear than your average Zelda game.
Will keep playing.

Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition
An enhanced edition of the PC classic, now with improved visuals. You can also toggle between the new presentation and the old in-game, so that's awesome.

A walking simulator that parodies cheap European horror games. I think. I don't know. It's such a confusing, surreal mishmash of ideas that it feels like a fever dream. I... guess I don't hate it?


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Game Progress 8/21 + Thoughts on Jet Force Gemini
August 21, 2019

What have I been doing since completing 12 is Better than 6? Well...

Jet Force Gemini (N64)
I was playing this game legit--as in, on the actual console, non-emulated and not via Rare Replay. I kind of regret that... As with previous "thoughts" posts, I'd like to use a bullet point structure:

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Game Progress 8/6
August 06, 2019

Before I jump into this, I figured I should describe my Steam project flow.

I have up to eight games downloaded at a time, with their icons sitting in a "pool" on my desktop. I go for the next game alphabetically, playing at least one session. I settle then and there upon one of a few choices:

1. Uninstall and play later. Longer projects like RPGs tend to fall into this category. I'm mainly looking for short stuff to pick off.

2. Play the game through in one or two sittings. Walking simulators and short horror games are perfect for this.

3. Put the icon off to the side and play it now and then.

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Unveiling some of the horror games I'm reviewing in October
August 04, 2019

Yeah, Halloween isn't for about two months, but I'm excited to reveal what I've been working on. Of course, you won't be getting 31 reviews like in the old days. Who has time for that anymore? I'm not guaranteeing these reviews will be out, but I at very least have rough drafts ready for them (final drafts for others).

What will you be getting, then?

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (GBA)
The long-awaited follow-up to Symphony of the Night that doesn't quite measure up.

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (3DS)
The last good Metroid-style CV game, with new systems and mechanics that we'll sadly never see again.

Cold Fear (Xbox)

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On the agenda
July 30, 2019

Hello! I haven't been posting the last week, though I've wanted to, because I've had some health scares. Thankfully, nothing appears to be serious, though I do need to take some pills for a rather embarrassing illness (that and I've concluded that I need to consume much less caffeine do less overtime, as those are both likely contributing to my blood pressure and anxiety).

That's enough TMI, though. Here are some things I'm aiming to do over the next week:

-I'm approaching my 500th review with HG. I think it'd be great if I covered the very first game I ever reviewed anywhere: Die by the Sword. I'm halfway through it right now, and I should have it done with a crit very soon.

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Steam Games I've Played: A Section part 2
July 21, 2019

A Section cont'd:
Alien Rage Unlimited
A Halo clone that's actually pretty cool. It doesn't accomplish anything new or move the genre forward at all; it's very much just an FPS where you shoot aliens. Sometimes that's all you need.
I'll keep playing this one.

Alien Shooter
Speaking of games where you all you do is shoot aliens... This one reinforces what I said before. Sometimes all you need is dumb shooting. This one is somewhat isometric shooter, where you blast literally hundreds of enemies at a time. You also earn money and spend it on new equipment, so that way you can weather whatever veritable shitstorm of extraterrestrials comes your way. It. Is. Batshit. And oh my god, is this franchise fun, too. Never change, Alien Shooter. Never change.

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Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom - Ayn's campaign
July 15, 2019

Ayn's portion of the game promised more sci-fi. All of the enemies I faced were robots, and reports of mechanical foes attacking my country and my allies were flooding in. "Go find out where these machines are coming from!" King Rhys told me. *DUN-DUN DUN DUN-DUN*

So I set off, happy to do something other than rescuing princesses.

I traveled to a previously visited town, where I met a guy who told me my hometown was under attack. I backtracked to my home to find only a single man left there. He said everyone else went to the desert. So I backtracked yet again to the village where I heard the news, and from there back to the desert and into a cave dungeon I had already explored. Reaching the end of the dungeon, our nation's ally Lyle asked a simple request of me.

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