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About Me:

I knew at an early age that I wanted to make a career out of writing about games, and now I have. You'll find most of my stuff right here on HonestGamers, of course, but don't be surprised if my name pops up elsewhere. Living out my dream keeps me very busy, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

TuneFreaks progresses...
October 14, 2006

I nuked TuneFreaks and planned to get a good start on the new design last night, but something went wrong. The FTP client wouldn't work, and it eventually required setting up an entirely new hosting account, then getting it associated with the domain. That took time on the host's end.

The good news is that I've finally got things working, including the FTP client, so I'm going to be in good shape to get something up probably by the end of today (though if that does indeed happen, it'll definitely be a rough design).

Anyway, I just thought I'd let you all know that the project is moving forward and things are finally back on track. Thanks for the interest so many of you have shown. Let's hope this goes well!

TuneFreaks musings...
October 10, 2006

I've been thinking a lot about TuneFreaks lately, which I think is pretty much headed nowhere because I was trying to start it out too big.

After a lot--and I mean a lot--of work on the part of snowdragon and I, we have thousands of songs listed and bands and genres and whatever else you want to name, and it's still just the start of the growing beast that is and always will be the music industry.

I think its sheer size highlights not only how far we've come, but how far we have to go. And it's not particularly useful, even though we list tons of musicians and even some complete discographies, because plenty of other sites do that and back it up with good reviews... or just reviews at all. We don't.

[read the full post...]


Music binge
October 08, 2006

Reading everyone's blogs has a very bad effect on me: I buy music. I know I haven't waited a month since my last blog post to make this one, as is my tendency, but I thought I'd give you all a chance to critique my latest music investment:

James Blunt (Back to Bedlam)
Alanis Morissette (Under Rug Swept)
Snow Patrol (Eyes Open)
Switchfoot (Nothing is Sound)
Weezer (Meladroit)

Depending on how well I like these CDs, I may get more stuff down the road. I have these periods where I'm interested in making improvements to my music library, and I seem to be right in the middle of one. Probably because I can listen to iTunes while doing web site work. Anyway, that's that.


October 08, 2006

I was listening to music on iTunes tonight (samples of songs, mostly) and I listened to "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt, which I think is just one of the most amazing songs in a long, long time.

I decided to see what the other songs from his album sounded like and enjoyed them very much, enough that I'll probably end up buying the CD. Because iTunes makes recommendations, I noticed that people who buy his music also buy stuff from Snow Patrol.

So I decided to listen to some Snow Patrol and, while I didn't get as good a vibe from their stuff as I did from James Blunt's, I think they're also pretty good. I might pick up their second CD sometime.

I need to stop going on iTunes...


(Untitled Post)
September 08, 2006

So, I bought some music tonight. I do that once in awhile. I shall now post it so that you can all laugh at me. I'm sure everyone will laugh at at least one of the things I got, as people are prone to do when they've not listened to the music in question.

Rob Zombie (Hellbilly Deluxe)
Gary Allan (Tough All Over)
Switchfoot (The Early Years: 1997-2000)
Paris Hilton (Paris)

I really like the song "Dragula" by Rob Zombie, and I've heard and liked a few of his other songs, so I figured it was high time I actually bought a Rob Zombie disc.

Gary Allan has been putting out good country music for a long time now, with a voice that sounds like it would work fantastic in any sort of music. His newest album has enough 'must-have' songs that I couldn't hold off any longer.

[read the full post...]


A sexy picture
September 01, 2006

Well, people periodically make fun of my old picture and sometimes ask for something more recent, so I got a coworker with a photography degree to take a quick picture of me at work today. He used a crappy digital camera but I think it came out fairly well:

The picture was taken in the alley behind our store and we spent probably two minutes trying a few shots. I'm not going to pay some professional studio for a picture or anything, so this will probably be the picture I have to use online now for a few years. It's accurate, at least, blemishes and all.


Games I still need(?)
August 23, 2006

The list of games in my backlog of games to get continues to dwindle, until now it is finally in the form you see below:

Game Boy Advance

Lufia 3


Mario Strikers
Mega Man X: Command Mission (PS2 version)

Nintendo DS

Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Kirby: Canvas Curse
Mario & Luigi 2
Yoshi's Touch & Go

I think anyone can agree that my list has come a long way since I first composed it, and I'm happy with the results. There will doubtless be a few more games that I want from the current generation, but the list above accurately reflects those games that have been out for awhile that I want but haven't grabbed.

[read the full post...]


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