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About Me: I knew at an early age that I wanted to make a career out of writing about games, and now I have. You'll find most of my stuff right here on HonestGamers, of course, but don't be surprised if my name pops up elsewhere. Living out my dream keeps me very busy, and I wouldn't have it any other way! |
So, the lovely weather here has been continuing. There's a flood warning in place throughout most of the day, some businesses are closed (or shutting down early) and the winds persist... to the tune of frequent power outages. Ah, how beautiful!
Supposedly, the wind warning expires at about 7:00 tonight and we should have calmer weather thereafter, with the flood watch ending around the same time. I'm upstairs and our apartments are on high ground, so to speak, so floods don't particularly concern me.
The newscaster gave all this news and then took time to make a special note that people should not drive under downed wires that are located on the south side of town. He called it "not a wise choice," since apparently a lot of people are doing it at present.
It's been really windy here most of the day. Gusts keep buffeting our apartment and you can almost feel it swaying (we're upstairs) as the trees outside bend this way and that like they're about to break. The streets are littered with branches, the power went out once, and rain spatters your face with fury if you venture outside.
I took my wife to work just a moment ago (and threatened to make her walk home tonight, because I'm a butthead). As I was pulling away, an older gentleman probably in his late 40s or maybe early 50s was walking slowly across my path, not particularly giving a shit that he was making everyone wait for no apparent reason other than that he felt the urge to walk abnormally slow.
So, it turns out that I posted 16 reviews in November. Two were on sites other than HonestGamers, and the remaining 14 are exclusives you won't find anywhere else but HonestGamers. So yeah, I had a busy month. Below are links to those reviews, along with a little description of the story behind each one.
Trauma Center: New Blood (WII)
I've updated blogs a bit this evening. The result is that they should be a bit easier to use. *fingers crossed*
The top bar now includes a 'Site' option (to return to the main HonestGamers site), a 'Blogs' option (to view the landing page that new users will see if they click the 'Blogs' link from the main page of the site) and a 'My Blog' option (which of course takes a signed-in user to his current blog). If you view blogs while not signed into your account, that third link allows you to easily login.
The main landing page now lists the most popular blogs, from most popular (mine currently) to least popular of the top 8 blogs. Users can easily click to check out those blogs and get to know the most popular bloggers.
I'm trying to get as many people as possible involved in a giveaway that's going on over at (where as some of you know, I spend a great deal of my time). The contest is for a free Xbox 360 (Halo-themed) and a copy of Halo 3. If I were eligible, you can bet your ass I'd be participating right now... but I'm not.
You, however, are completely eligible. So, here's the post about the thread that I've posted elsewhere online (since I'm too lazy to type everything up again).
--- and Gamer Graffix have teamed up to award one talented and fortunate gamer a free Xbox 360, along with a bunch of other really cool stuff related to Halo 3. If you're a Halo fan, here's the grand prize you could win:
This month, I've been playing games like there's no tomorrow. I think by the time November has ended, I'll have written something like 15 reviews. It's crazy.
I plan to take a bit of a break in December. I'm sure I'll still review a lot of games, but I don't foresee myself playing through as many as I have in November... nor do I want to!
Playing through so many games has really improved my general skill level, but at the same time I'm not able to really absorb everything that's beautiful about the games. It's kind of like walking outside and suddenly you feel like staring at the clouds drifting lazily by overhead or the way the breeze stirs the trees as the ocean stretches to the horizon, except that you can't because you have to go to work.
I had a song stuck in my head today and it wouldn't go away. Fortunately, I own the CD, so I was able to listen to it and that has helped quite a bit.
In other news, I stayed up until almost 6 this morning finishing Assassin's Creed. The plan is to post a review for it on Thanksgiving. It's a good game, by the way, but it definitely has a few flaws the detract from how awesome it winds up being.
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