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About Me:

I knew at an early age that I wanted to make a career out of writing about games, and now I have. You'll find most of my stuff right here on HonestGamers, of course, but don't be surprised if my name pops up elsewhere. Living out my dream keeps me very busy, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Quickie Preview - Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble
October 21, 2009

If you're interested in Atlus games, check out my quickie preview for Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble, which Atlus demonstrated for me awhile back. It took me awhile to find time to write this up, but I'm pretty happy with the result:

I'm not convinced that the game will be some sort of marvel like Demon's Souls was. The two aren't really in the same league. But this new game should be good for brawler fans. Not much of anyone else, really, but that's okay. Brawler fans need love too and this looks like it could fit the bill.

I'm still very active, in case you wondered...
October 03, 2009

I haven't been able to spend as much time directly on the HonestGamers site over this last week as I would have liked, and unfortunately that won't change much over the next 2 to 3 weeks or so. Here's why:

1) I'm working on the Demon's Souls guide for another outlet. It pays teh bills, plus I'm loving the game and having reasonable success in creating a fantastic guide. I also will get a review out of the whole deal (a review that will appear exclusively on HonestGamers shortly after the game's launch).

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Recent purchases...
September 19, 2009

I made two purchases recently and I felt bad doing it when I'm trying to put away money to pay off debts, but at the same time I consider them necessary. They are:

1) External hard drive. I now have a 320GB hard drive that was on super sale where I work (so I got a discount on top of that, too). It's a Toshiba brand and it was necessary because my laptop had gotten to the point where I couldn't even browse the Internet for long without the temporary files filling up the last bit of my hard drive. Not a good way to operate, methinks. Plus I couldn't back up the site's image and guide files because I had no room. Now I do and that intolerable condition can stop.

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1 comment

I'm still enjoying Section 8...
September 16, 2009

After writing a guide for the game's single-player campaign for IGN, I spent more time with the game--specifically online--so that I could produce a well-rounded review for the site. That full review is newly available right here:

It's just shy of 1400 words, which might be a longer read than some have in mind, so here's the short version: Section 8 is a pretty nice way to pass the time online if you had to sell your copy of Call of Duty 4 and you got a copy of Section 8 for free.

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Concerning the Beatles...
September 11, 2009

What's your favorite album? You already know that 09-09-09 marked the release of The Beatles: Rock Band, the first rhythm game to incorporate Beatles music, but of course that game is missing a lot of their music despite having a generous track list.

You probably already know (or maybe not) that they've digitally remastered all of the albums from the group and are releasing them individually or as part of a box set throughout North America (and, I would presume, other regions nearer and dearer to the hearts of many Beatles fans). This looks like the best time in the last 30 years or so to collect and enjoy Beatles music.

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CrispyGamer doesn't agree with New York Times game writer
September 10, 2009

So, some guy who writes for The New York Times in its "Games" section wrote a review of The Beatles: Rock Band that is possibly the worst review ever written. CrispyGamer comments on such things here:

I read through the whole article and, if you're serious about games criticism, I suggest that you do the same. After you've done so, I hope that you'll come back here to share your thoughts. I'm interested in hearing what some of you think.


Review number 500 is posted...
August 25, 2009

Well, I've now officially posted my 500th review on the site, excluding old reviews that I deleted a long time ago. I find it fitting that the game I reviewed was Nintendo-published, since Nintendo is the company that ignited my passion for games and my desire to write about them more than 20 years ago. I'd hoped that the 500th game would be something special, but I wasn't going to go out of my way to make that happen. Fortunately, Nintendo managed to make it happen for me. Metroid Prime Trilogy arrived here a week ago and enjoying its content these past few days has been a real treat.

[read the full post...]


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