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About Me:

I knew at an early age that I wanted to make a career out of writing about games, and now I have. You'll find most of my stuff right here on HonestGamers, of course, but don't be surprised if my name pops up elsewhere. Living out my dream keeps me very busy, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

A Walk Among the Tombstones review
January 31, 2015

Ever since I watched and enjoyed "Taken," I've had an addiction of sorts to Liam Neeson movies. I haven't watched them all, but any time I see his name on the poster or DVD cover or whatever, I am that little bit more likely to pay to see the film in question.

"A Walk Among the Tombstones" found its way into my collection because it had other things working in its favor, as well. It is based on a 1992 novel by mystery writer Lawrence Block, who wrote a series of books I've never read, and I've been on a mystery kick lately. It also had a plot that sounded a bit like "Taken," meaning there was the promise of Liam Neeson running around and kicking butt with his set of skills.

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Notice: I am attempting a server relocation
January 28, 2015

Google penalizes sites that don't load quickly enough. While HonestGamers seems to load reasonably quickly to me, especially compared to page loads in the past, it unfortunately falls outside the range that Google determines acceptable.

To fix that issue, I am changing hosts. This is not a process I have gone through regularly, and I can guarantee that error pages will show up somewhere during the process. If you are submitting content during this time, I highly encourage you to keep a local copy on your computer, in case any transfer of information causes it (temporarily) to be lost.

I'll be sure to let you all know once the server migration is complete, and I'll work to address any issues as they arise.

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Growing Up Nintendo #01: The Unwrapping
January 26, 2015

In the summer between my second and third years of elementary school education, I moved from Perrydale, Oregon to a backwoods town known as Ashwood where I had previously resided while attending Kindergarten. Ashwood's primary claim to fame was that it had once been a mining town with a booming population of around 800, but decades later when I lived there in the 80s, most people knew about it only if they knew of the neighboring town of Antelope.

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And then there was the time I sent my game design to Nintendo of America
January 24, 2015

In early 1990, when I was either 11 or 12, I sent a packet to Nintendo of America. Inside, there were quite a few drawings and text explaining how everything fit together. I was pitching them a new Mario game.

After sending that important message, all that was left for me to do was wait. Then, in early July, I finally heard back. Nintendo sent a nice-sized packet, and when I opened it, I found out that they would not be using my ideas. They were very encouraging, though, and I saved the letter. More recently, I scanned it, and now I'm posting it here (with my address and the signature/name of the person who responded cropped out) for posterity:

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50 NES Games That Ought to Come to Virtual Console
January 23, 2015

Below, I'm posting a list of the top 50 NES games that I would like to see come to Virtual Console during the next 50 weeks or thereabouts.

With any list of this size, drawn from a list as large as the NES library, there are going to be some exclusions. You might notice a title missing and wonder why it's not here. There are a few possible reasons:

1) The game is already available on Virtual Console (this is the case more often than you might suppose, despite how many great titles are also still missing).
2) The game was developed by Rare, which is owned by Microsoft now, and it doesn't seem realistic to suppose that Microsoft will allow those retro titles to arrive on its competitor's platform.

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Top 30 PSone Games Missing From the PlayStation Network
January 16, 2015

If you check here, you can view a list of the PSone Classics available for purchase in North America. You can head to the PlayStation Network and download the titles, often for $5.99 but sometimes for $9.99 in the case of games the publisher figures you'll willingly pay more to play.

Until rather recently, I was mostly oblivious to the offerings on the store. Sony might have done a good job of publicizing the variety of titles available, or maybe it didn't. Either way, I overlooked the bounty.

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My Top 10 Games of 2014
January 11, 2015

As years go, 2014 was a major bummer for me. I spent most of the first half playing obscure games that released during previous years, and by the time I started catching up in the second half, there were a bunch of great titles I didn't have time to experience. Then during the holiday season, I was busy with a lot of indie stuff.

This list, then, is merely a reflection of the 10 games released in 2014 that I personally enjoyed the most. It's not any sort of effort to tell you what games released during the period most other people would enjoy. I didn't play a number of major games that would probably otherwise rank on this list, such as Bayonetta 2, Middle-earth: Shadow of Morodor, Assassin's Creed Unity (I'm a sucker for that series), Drive Club, or-- you get the idea.

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