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About Me: Taking up all the good oxygen.
I’m still not sure whether to be deeply proud or ashamed of this.
Running well behind schedule with a lot of reviews, so this figure is only going to climb with depressing speed. Next in line (deep breath) Disgaea DS, Crazy Mini Golf, Vampyre Story, Mini Big Bang (preview) Everquest II Complete, EUIII Complete and a few DS games that I’ve not even had time to open from their forever-mocking envelopes yet.
I've also got half-drafts of three different reviews that I need to finish up, but never have time because of all the ones I have to do for this site first. Grrr!
Someone shoot me now. Most of you are American; it’s not like you can’t spare the firearms.
Nighthmare Circus is the one hundred and fiftieth review I have written for this site. You’ve not done too badly out of me, you lot.
I’m not sure if it’s fitting or disappointing that this landmark figure was reached through what is probably the worst game I will ever play. The next step, then is to chase and Catch Midwinter in the hit tables.
You’re all required to pick your favourite EmP review and mash the refresh button for half an hour a day.
I just beat Blacksite: Area 51. Here’s some artwork to make this post look bigger.
It’s a short, by-the-number game that is beatable in, say, five hours. It was fun, but far from brilliant and I’ll probably burn though it on a harder setting at some point. Review forthcoming. However, this post is to talk about ending spoilers:
It’s not often I do posts like these because, frankly, I know you all look up to me as some unflapping totem of awesomeness and I don’t like to drop in to normal conversation that I’m really just a huge geek like the rest of you, but sometimes, you should all just be happy to hear my opinion on things. So, I’m going to talk about anime -- which I watch.
Claymore is an anime about skimpily dressed barely post-teen girls battling huge demons that eat people’s guts. It’s surprisingly gory and tries to tackle subjects with a maturity that usually behoves its genre. At times, it’s sobering, graphic and depressing. It also has the single worst ending since Grandia.
Do you have 200,809 hits, OD? I do.
I don't often look at my hits but I can remember a time when I was well behing MAsters and Ratking back when the table was first drafted -- look at me now! While I'm still way, way down on the top three, that's an almost scary amount of hits.
Go me, and such. Now, the unflagging praise from the rest of you!
So, I’m at this point of the game where, to raise some allies, you have to go around closing a load of Oblivion gates that have popped up right outside some of the major towns. It’s optional for the most part and Oblivion gates are, by far, the dullest points of the game, but I’m trying to do everything so I can write a 20k review when I’m done.
Going into a gate is the same thing over and over. You storm through some Deadra. Some are hackers and slashers, some are mages and some exist in between. You have big lizards, spider demons and golems. The landscape is always the same and it’s always a mini-maze dash to get to the big tower in the middle of the map to nick a stone and close the gate. Yawn.
I feel like a vacation has finished. I had to pen another review for a publisher-sent game. Here it is
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