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Below, you'll find information about the games I own and track on this site. By default, you'll find a maximum of 100 games per page, listed alphabetically with no other criteria in effect. You can also use the dropdown menus to refine your search in a number of ways, or click to view a record detailing all of the games I own on a single page.

Game Results (740)
007: NightFire (Xbox) artwork 007: NightFire (Xbox)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
10 Minute Barbarian (PC) artwork 10 Minute Barbarian (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
100% Orange Juice (PC) artwork 100% Orange Juice (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
101-in-1 Megamix (PSP) artwork 101-in-1 Megamix (PSP)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
101-in-1 Sports Party Megamix (Wii) artwork 101-in-1 Sports Party Megamix (Wii)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
1912 Titanic Mystery (PC) artwork 1912 Titanic Mystery (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
1954 Alcatraz (PC) artwork 1954 Alcatraz (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
1979 Revolution: Black Friday (PC) artwork 1979 Revolution: Black Friday (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
199X (PC) artwork 199X (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
200% Mixed Juice! (PC) artwork 200% Mixed Juice! (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
3 Ninjas Kick Back (Genesis) artwork 3 Ninjas Kick Back (Genesis)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
300 Dwarves (PC) artwork 300 Dwarves (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
4 Wheel Thunder (Dreamcast) artwork 4 Wheel Thunder (Dreamcast)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
4PM (PC) artwork 4PM (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
50 Cent: Bulletproof (PlayStation 2) artwork 50 Cent: Bulletproof (PlayStation 2)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
7 Sins (PlayStation 2) artwork 7 Sins (PlayStation 2)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
7 Wonders II (DS) artwork 7 Wonders II (DS)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
8-bit Girlfriend (Xbox 360) artwork 8-bit Girlfriend (Xbox 360)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure (PC) artwork 8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Actual Sunlight (PC) artwork Actual Sunlight (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Adam's Venture: The Search for the Lost Garden (PC) artwork Adam's Venture: The Search for the Lost Garden (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Advance Wars (Game Boy Advance) artwork Advance Wars (Game Boy Advance)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Aeon Command (PC) artwork Aeon Command (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
AeroWings (Dreamcast) artwork AeroWings (Dreamcast)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express (PC) artwork Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Agony (PC) artwork Agony (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Airstrife: Assault of the Aviators (PC) artwork Airstrife: Assault of the Aviators (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Akai Katana (Xbox 360) artwork Akai Katana (Xbox 360)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (PC) artwork Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Alan Wake (Xbox 360) artwork Alan Wake (Xbox 360)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space (PC) artwork Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Alisia Dragoon (Genesis) artwork Alisia Dragoon (Genesis)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
ALLTYNEX Second (PC) artwork ALLTYNEX Second (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Alone in the Dark (Xbox 360) artwork Alone in the Dark (Xbox 360)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Alone in the Dark 2024 (PC) artwork Alone in the Dark 2024 (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Game Boy Color) artwork Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Game Boy Color)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Alpha Polaris (PC) artwork Alpha Polaris (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Alpine Ski Racing 2007 (PC) artwork Alpine Ski Racing 2007 (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Altered Beast (Genesis) artwork Altered Beast (Genesis)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
American Patriots: The Swamp Fox (PC) artwork American Patriots: The Swamp Fox (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Among the Sleep (PC) artwork Among the Sleep (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Amped 3 (Xbox 360) artwork Amped 3 (Xbox 360)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Ankh: Curse of the Scarab King (DS) artwork Ankh: Curse of the Scarab King (DS)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Ankh: Heart of Osiris (PC) artwork Ankh: Heart of Osiris (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Anna: Extended Edition (PC) artwork Anna: Extended Edition (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Antichamber (PC) artwork Antichamber (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Aphelion Episode One: Graves of Earth (Xbox 360) artwork Aphelion Episode One: Graves of Earth (Xbox 360)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Ark of Time (PlayStation) artwork Ark of Time (PlayStation)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Ark of Time (PC) artwork Ark of Time (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Armada 2526 (PC) artwork Armada 2526 (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Art of Fighting Anthology (PlayStation 2) artwork Art of Fighting Anthology (PlayStation 2)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Assault Android Cactus (PC) artwork Assault Android Cactus (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Astonishia Story (PSP) artwork Astonishia Story (PSP)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Attentat 1942 (PC) artwork Attentat 1942 (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Azur Lane: Crosswave (PC) artwork Azur Lane: Crosswave (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Azurik: Rise of Perathia (Xbox) artwork Azurik: Rise of Perathia (Xbox)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
B Team: Metal Cartoon Squad (DS) artwork B Team: Metal Cartoon Squad (DS)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Backbone: Prologue (PC) artwork Backbone: Prologue (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (Xbox) artwork Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (Xbox)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II (Xbox) artwork Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II (Xbox)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (PC) artwork Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
The Ball (PC) artwork The Ball (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
The Banner Saga (PC) artwork The Banner Saga (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Barkley Shut Up and Jam! (Genesis) artwork Barkley Shut Up and Jam! (Genesis)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Batman: Arkham Asylum (PC) artwork Batman: Arkham Asylum (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series (PC) artwork Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Batman: The Telltale Series (PC) artwork Batman: The Telltale Series (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Bear With Me: The Lost Robots (PC) artwork Bear With Me: The Lost Robots (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
The Beard in the Mirror (PC) artwork The Beard in the Mirror (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery (PC) artwork The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Beyond a Steel Sky (PC) artwork Beyond a Steel Sky (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Beyond Good & Evil (Xbox) artwork Beyond Good & Evil (Xbox)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Beyond Good & Evil HD (Xbox 360) artwork Beyond Good & Evil HD (Xbox 360)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Beyond Oasis (Genesis) artwork Beyond Oasis (Genesis)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Big Bang Mini (DS) artwork Big Bang Mini (DS)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Bio-Hazard Battle (Genesis) artwork Bio-Hazard Battle (Genesis)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
BlackSite: Area 51 (PlayStation 3) artwork BlackSite: Area 51 (PlayStation 3)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (PlayStation 3) artwork BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (PlayStation 3)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Blightbound (PC) artwork Blightbound (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Blitzkrieg 2: Fall of the Reich (PC) artwork Blitzkrieg 2: Fall of the Reich (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Blitzkrieg 3 (PC) artwork Blitzkrieg 3 (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Blood Wake (Xbox) artwork Blood Wake (Xbox)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
BloodNet: A Cyberpunk Gothic (PC) artwork BloodNet: A Cyberpunk Gothic (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Blue Dragon (Xbox 360) artwork Blue Dragon (Xbox 360)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Blue Dragon Plus (DS) artwork Blue Dragon Plus (DS)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Boing! Docomodake DS (DS) artwork Boing! Docomodake DS (DS)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Bomberman Land (Wii) artwork Bomberman Land (Wii)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Bomberman Land Touch! 2 (DS) artwork Bomberman Land Touch! 2 (DS)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Bone: Out from Boneville (PC) artwork Bone: Out from Boneville (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Breath of Death VII: The Beginning (Xbox 360) artwork Breath of Death VII: The Beginning (Xbox 360)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Breath of Fire II (Game Boy Advance) artwork Breath of Fire II (Game Boy Advance)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Breath of Fire III (PlayStation) artwork Breath of Fire III (PlayStation)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter (PlayStation 2) artwork Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter (PlayStation 2)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Brian Lara International Cricket 2005 (Xbox) artwork Brian Lara International Cricket 2005 (Xbox)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
BROK the InvestiGator (PC) artwork BROK the InvestiGator (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse Ep. 1 (PC) artwork Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse Ep. 1 (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Broken Sword: Director's Cut (PC) artwork Broken Sword: Director's Cut (PC)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (Game Boy Advance) artwork Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (Game Boy Advance)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars (PlayStation) artwork Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars (PlayStation)

Physical Box Inserts Digital
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - The Director's Cut (DS) artwork Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - The Director's Cut (DS)

Physical Box Inserts Digital

[001] [002] [003] [004] [005] [006] [007] [008]

Using the numbered links provided above, you can easily skip between pages of results, based on the criteria specified near the top of the page. Would you like to hear my thoughts about a game I own that I haven't yet had a chance to review? If so, let me know. Maybe I'll have something to say. On the other hand, I may ignore you completely. Sometimes, I can be mean like that.

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