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Sonic the Movie reached 3 Million on opening day
February 14, 2020

"“Sonic the Hedgehog” is racing to a dominant $55 million opening at 3,150 North American locations during the four-day President’s Day weekend in a launch that’s above forecasts, early estimates showed Friday." says in an article by Variety as the blue blur races to compete with other released movies this month. So far, Rotten Tomatoes rate it at 64% while IMDb and IGN are tied on rating it a 7/10.

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IGN Reviews Sonic the Movie
February 13, 2020

IGN sure made short work of reviewing this movie, which is still about to be shown here in the US in some states. Seems that the major thing they point out is Jim Carrey acting more of a cartoon character than the titluar CGI hedgehog, which I would agree by just seeing clips from trailers and such. Another thing they kept repeating over and over is that "IF YOU ARE A SONIC FAN" you would actually like it for what's shown there. In the end they just state the movie isn't half bad, giving it a 7 out of 10.

Sites like IMBd gives it a 7.1/10 while Rotten Tomatoes has it at 63% thus far.

Link of IGN review below:

Sonic IGN Review


That time Mother sold my NES system and anything on it for pocket change.
February 12, 2020

Now I never got along with my parents. Actually, I never got along with my whole family then *and* now. Many things that I experienced and recent events on which makes me wish I was adopted. Saying this, it was a weird time back then when I decided to trade in my NES system and everything I got at a store called Funcoland now that I wanted to move on to the 16-bit era on which any other kid would mock you if you didn't "move forward."

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Seiken Densetsu 3
February 08, 2020

While I may never experience the remake on the Switch, I can at least continue my quest on emulation. This is truly a beautiful game.

Ratchet and Clank rumored to be among PS5's launch game titles
February 04, 2020

Earlier on the day I read and watch thoughts by gaming sites and youtube channels about a rumored new Ratchet and Clank game as a launch title for the upcoming PS5. This could be a great opportunity for Sony should it also decide on other games that were highly popular back on its PS2 days like Sly Cooper and such. Read the article by Dual Shockers below:

New Ratchet & Clank Could Be a PS5 Launch Title

The Legend of Zelda animated series
February 02, 2020

The Legend of Zelda animated series would debut as part of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show only on Fridays, replacing the timeslot with the animated Super Mario Bros. cartoon and would only have 13 episodes to its name. The show ends with no cliffhanger nor finishing up its premise whatsoever, probably for the fact that the main show was still airing and this would have been a good choice in repeating the series until it was taken off the air. Regardless of what actually happened, many would remember this cartoon mainly by its infamous quote shouted by Link in any other episode.

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The time when Mario made his first appearance in American TV
January 14, 2020

The very first time Mario ever graced the american tv airwaves was in the 80s on his Donkey Kong segment from Saturday Supercade which aired on CBS saturday mornings. This was aired along with other 80s arcade game adaptations like Kangaroo and Frogger, and would show up any other time along with Donkey Kong Jr. which took place in the same story associating with the huge woman-kidnapping barrel-tossing gorilla. Mario was voiced by Peter Cullen and would be accompanied by Pauline, both chasing Donkey Kong all accross the world in an attempt to capture him and send him back to the circus.

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