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About Me: Writer, artist, musician and student. Always. |
Appreciation of what we have and what we've lost.
/rant begin
I've always found it interesting that when fans love a game they often to a better job of post-release support, especially when the publisher shows no interest in doing so. We'll address the strange framerate issues, the bizarre ratio problems, soundtrack options and de-dubbing that should have been included at launch.
So how is an achievement that says "Customer Appreciation" at launch making us feel appreciated? That's like, hey, I bought the game. Great! You bought the game and launched it! Woot!
The answer's pretty easy, actually ... games I've played! (Huzzah!)
So portioning out another review, a new review, mind you, meant ponying up a few bucks for the Steam/PC version of Final Fantasy IV. You see, it was my Great Induction into the world of Japanese fantasy role-playing games. I owned the SNES version (FFII), currently own the GBA and DS re-releases, but was irritated that the PC release just didn't differ at all from the DS version.
I was enthralled and enraged, compelled and propelled through FFII. I replayed it over the years until I could minmax my way to the end without much effort. There /are/ ways to mess with the stats - Ogre/Poison Axes & headband is a serious winner's combo. It lead me to the other story driven titles; FF IX, FF X, FF XIII and some Tactics, here and there.
School was around the corner, so I figured, why not?
Reviews are a fleeting interest of mine. Long ago it might have become a career if I'd had any confidence in myself. That portion of my life is past and I have the confidence I need.
Though I'll admit I didn't expect to be published by HG. You grow accustomed to rejection on the fiction circuit. This was a nice change of pace, so I promise to make a habit of it. In fact, I have at least four reviews ready to go, and I'm working on a re-write for my Half Life 2 review, as it was broken at the time. (The game, not my review, though now the reverse is true.)
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