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Shadow Hearts update
July 12, 2007

Updated my SH review, and made it a little better, I hope. I didn't take away any of the negative, but I think the problem before was that I didn't clarify when I became positive.

Take a look.

Should I re-submit, or just leave it edited like this?


Okay, someone take a look at and tell me if the way I set up my reviews looks alright. Thanks to Espiga for helping me with the tags and stuff.


Take that, IE.
July 12, 2007

After an infuriating setback (I am SO getting a MAC), I've gotten all but one of my reviews hotlinked to pictures on my Myspace page.

Now I just need to figure out how to code it so that they open in a new window. . .

But anyway, hopefully that should increase my hit count. Thanks, Felix. : )


July 11, 2007

Ya piece of shit! Damned Oregon shit summer weather, balls! Screw this - garrrrrr! It's so humidddddddd I hate this shit.

And when it comes to accomplishing the task of completing the second half of my The Darkness review, it's all the worse. I need inspiration. . .

I'll get some Chinese food.

On a different note (about The Darkness), I heard that the song in the closing credits is done by Tomahawk, one of Mike Patton's (VA for The Darkness) projects.

Interestingly enough, I picked up the newest Tomahawk CD a week or so ago, never having heard the stuff before.

I dunno. . . I'm Native American and all, but Anonymous sounds mostly like a piece of instrumental bullshit with some odd chanting. Maybe it'll take a few more listens? I dunno.

[read the full post...]


Soul Calibur IV
July 11, 2007

Means that I must buy a huge TV that can contain the improved (and massive) beauty that are Ivy and Taki's curves.

Oh yeah, and large, most likely brown nipples.

What is it that drives me to this kind of nerd-tastic pervasiveness?

Eyah, I dunno.

But seriously. I'm talking like. . . the call for a 42" HD.

1 comment

"Keys" (Poetry by . . .Crush)
July 10, 2007

Watch the leaves on the apple tree
Catch dapples on the dashboard
Shadows are a mystery
but there's enough in your world
See the sun spot hit the window
Put your glasses in their holster
Shade is different,
shade is the variable

Remember the Summer where we thought no wrong?
A wind blew through and we each caught love
I never thought it would last, personally
I never knew anything
Cause here we are taking turns talking over cold drinks.
Many miles into the afterwards
I still have mine, and you have yours

See the body in the wheelchair
Cast your eyes upon the blue sign
Get caught up in history
by counting every white hair
Slew of years already past you
Feel the parking post's stare
When did all the time leave
you never ever noticed

There must have been some fun, then somewhere

See my kitty!!!!
July 08, 2007

I decided to name it Fortune.


July 07, 2007

Posted a Shadow Hearts review a day or so back. . .

Not sure if I'm satisfied with it, yet I can't think of anything that I feel I personally left out. A few nuances about the battle system and overall atmosphere could have been all the more helpful to paint a better picture. . .

Regardless, I think it turned out, uh, not half bad, or something.

Next up is The Darkness for the 360, which I'm having some very mixed thoughts about - but the review should be up by, at the latest, next Sunday or Monday.

See you soon.


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