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About Me: Sorry, but I haven't yet shared the information about myself that would typically display here. Check back later to see if that changes, or if I instead choose to remain an enigma. |
They had an infertile rhino on yesterday. Supervets is the best programme EVER.
So you're watching TV, minding your own business, when you hear the immortal line, "Tonight on Supervets!" Just another Wednesday night on the BBC. Tonight on Supervets, so far there's a horse on a treadmill and a dog being sliced open. Fascinating stuff.
Who actually plays Second Life? Anyone? I'm always hearing about it, but no-one appears to actually be prepared to admit to playing it. This is possibly because you can't actually do anything that isn't already available to you in First Life - or actual living. So why would anyone bother taking on a Second Life experience?
So I wonder, is anyone prepared to admit to playing Second Life in a public setting? Come now, let's have a show of hands.
If I had a penis, I wonder if I could reach to go down on myself?
Mushroom Soup
You will need:
A shitload of mushrooms (chestnut mushrooms work best),
A couple of cloves of garlic,
Some single cream,
Freshly ground black pepper,
A fucking great big massive stockpot.
1. Chop all the mushrooms up, fairly roughly but keep them quite small, especially if you don't have a blender.
2. Stick the mushrooms in the fucking great big massive stockpot, along with the bashed up cloves of garlic.
3. Pour in cold water, just enough so that it almost covers the mushrooms.
4. Bring to the boil, stirring constantly, then reduce heat and allow to simmer gently for around one hour. During this time, you should check the soup periodically, and give it a gentle stir every 10 minutes or so. If the water has all evaporated, add a little more.
Having got rather into this whole TT thing, I've decided I don't want to go out of the running just yet. I want more feedback, dammit! I am in it to learn, after all, and you can't learn that much in just a few short weeks. I want to have a go at making it through to the play-offs. I'm not even sure what the play-offs are, but what the hell, I'll have a go. After all, I'm in it now, so why not?
Yes I'm currently in joint-last place. But I may as well have a try, so I figure I will. Which means I need to beat Zig. Sure he's a good writer but no-one's unbeatable.
If I don't beat Zig, I'm going to stop eating cashew nuts for a week. It'll be a hard slog, but somewhere deep down inside I know I have the presence of mind to do it. Beat Zig, or no more cashew nuts.
Special blog post for Suskie to have another hissy fit in.
You keep on wasting your time, boyo. Be my guest.
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