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Well, I'm pretty excited about some recent efforts to expand the site's audience, so I thought I'd post here.
First of all, the site's Facebook page has been updated and will now continue to see updates from yours truly. I can post links to reviews, find freelancers to cover games, run contests and solicit user feedback there and get information from potential new users on the site. It's a great way to bring our content to people conveniently, so that they'll be reminded that we exist even if they don't check into the site often.
To make sure that the page does the most possible good, I'm investing what I can in Facebook ads. I hope to invest more in the future. It's expensive, but we'll see how things go over the next few weeks. So far, it's looking like this is a good step to take, one that will yield the sort of results I'm looking for. I don't mind spending money if it leads to (essentially) a permanent increase in the size of the potential audience for site content. That's money well spent!
I'm also doing what I can to ensure that, going forward, we're covering more of the current game releases that attract users to sites like ours. That doesn't mean that retro coverage will no longer have a place on the site. I hope very much that each of you will continue to revisit your favorite (and not so favorite) games from past eras and that you'll continue posting quality reviews.
Facebook continues to be only one aspect of the site's push to reach more people. I remain active on Twitter and I will continue to look for (and act upon) other opportunities as appropriate.
In any event, things are going really well and I'm excited and wanted to share. It's hard to explain, exaclty, but the way that things are coming together feels right. We're on the edge of great things--again--and I look forward to seeing where the coming months take us. Thanks for being a part of things in the past, in the present and hopefully a long time into a bright future!
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True - May 15, 2011 (12:46 AM) I just caught the new Facebook addition near the bottom and have to say that's a really good idea of getting even more exposure and traffic. I mentioned it a while ago, and I don't know how much work it would be, but I still think maybe implementing something specific to reviews--even if it's the high-profile games or staff reviews--would be a good idea. It wouldn't have to necessarily link directly to Facebook, but if someone could click Like or Dislike on a review it might help with feedback and morale around here. Just an idea though. I'll run some other ones by you if I get the chance. |