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Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City review (PS3)Reviewed on March 23, 2012A dismally unimaginative co-op shooter, coupled with a half-finished idea for an intriguing competitive component. Play it in either mode and you’ll be bored or irritated within minutes. |
To the Moon review (PC)Reviewed on March 01, 2012Its retro graphics look beautiful. The original soundtrack is utterly stunning. Its story is one of the most confident and grown-up that our medium has ever seen. Don’t approach To the Moon expecting taxing puzzles or combat or stats, because that isn’t what it’s about. It is its own thing: an indie adventure about going to the moon, but with its sights set far beyond it. |
Unreal review (PC)Reviewed on December 30, 2011As a first-person shooter, it’s incredibly competent. Quake 2 might have had the tempo, and Half-Life the suspenseful pacing, but Unreal had the variety and the challenge. Its weapons drew criticism for feeling weak and weedy against the Skaarj oppressors, and it’s a fair comment. They often do. But I’m sure that’s partly because the buggers are so tough, right from the start. |
Quake review (PC)Reviewed on December 30, 2011Quake still absolutely stands up today. Its visuals might be pixellated, the environments often rather monochrome, as became the running gag. Yet the design of the world is tremendous, the levels balanced, structured and elegantly paced. The variety on display, despite the vast swathes of brown, dwarfs that of most modern games as well. |
Quake II review (PC)Reviewed on December 30, 2011Enemies dart and dodge, firing sprays of bullets in the final seconds of their lives, trying everything they can to bring you down, even if it means losing their own lives in the process. The range of enemies on display is perhaps the only area in which Quake II rivals the variety of its predecessor, too. |
Planescape: Torment review (PC)Reviewed on December 30, 2011Planescape’s fiction is perfect: it takes two intrinsic human fears, turns one on its head, and allows the other so much room to breathe. In Planescape, you play as a man who has already lost his entire memory, including that of his own identity, yet he can never escape this dreadful state. |
Omikron: The Nomad Soul review (PC)Reviewed on December 30, 2011In The Nomad Soul, you don’t play as any of the main characters. Instead, you play as all of them. Sort of. In fact, you play as a person playing a computer game, in which the player plays as a soul who can transfer between different bodies. Yes. And it’s all absolutely merrily acknowledged by the game. None of this is real, it tells you. It’s just a game. |
Fallout review (PC)Reviewed on December 17, 2011I’ve found Fallout to be enormously irritating. It’s a grotesquely unfriendly game. Its interface is convoluted and confusing. Wandering through the desert early on will almost certainly get you killed by foes you’re totally unequipped to defeat... yet wandering through the desert is the only way to progress. You can complete some fairly menial tasks in order to become strong enough to tackle them, but - well - they’re fairly menial. |
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey review (PC)Reviewed on November 14, 2011The central narrative arc is beautiful: this is a game which expands on its predecessor’s coming of age story, and presents something altogether more grown-up. If The Longest Journey demonstrated the progression from the naivety of youth to the responsibility of adulthood, Dreamfall is a game about taking that newfound maturity and giving it back to those in need. |
Dragon Age II review (PC)Reviewed on October 31, 2011There have been complaints, and will be many more, that Dragon Age II is appealing for a more mainstream audience by removing all the fiddling of its predecessor, but I don’t think this is a fair accusation. There is very little that you could do before which is no longer possible. The difference is that the extraneous elements have been stripped away, giving the action space to breathe. |
Deadly Premonition review (X360)Reviewed on October 27, 2011It’s a game in which you want nothing more than to see what’s thrown at you next, just so you can eagerly ramble about the amazing things that have just happened, and share theories with friends who are also playing. It’s so effective in stirring discussion, in fact, that it took me a while to realise I was enjoying talking about the game a great deal more than I was playing it. |
Civilization V review (PC)Reviewed on October 18, 2011And here’s a major place in which Civilization V seems to fall down. Maybe it’s just too long since I last tackled a Civ game, and I’ve simply lost my ability to play make believe within its boundaries. More likely, there’s a problem. Because for the life of me, I just could not even fool myself into being convinced by the diplomacy system. |
The Tiny Bang Story review (PC)Reviewed on July 28, 2011The latest lovely hidden object/adventure hybrid is The Tiny Bang Story - and, frustratingly, it gets the mix half-right. It’s evocative, painting a world that seems to spring more and more to life the further you progress into the game. But it falls into some of the classic traps that both adventures and hidden object games have succumbed to over the years, and the result is a game I wish I could recommend more than I’m about to. |
F.3.A.R. review (PC)Reviewed on June 26, 2011This means combat becomes an often entertaining game of cat-and-mouse. It’s bad news if you stay behind the same piece of cover for too long, as FEAR 3’s goons are more intelligent than that. They’ll lob in a grenade, or send someone to draw you out from behind. All the while, their defensive strategy is much the same as your own: hide, shoot, move, repeat. When you’re down to the last couple of enemies in a larger area, gunfights can end up drawn out for minutes, as you battle frantically for supremacy over the game’s AI. |
Frozen Synapse review (PC)Reviewed on June 03, 2011Generally speaking, multiplayer matches consist of a few minutes of head-scratching, a bit of experimentation, a final check, a click of the ‘Prime’ button, and an edge-of-seat wait for your opponent to submit his or her next turn. It’s often sensible to go and get on with something else while the time ticks away, but it’s difficult to do so when you’re so invested. |
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings review (PC)Reviewed on May 23, 2011If you can look past the balancing, pacing and technical issues, there is an extremely solid RPG here - nothing especially innovative, but definitely a game that sets out to be the most absorbing, rich and spectacular experience it possibly can be. It’s a disappointment because it largely succeeds in that goal while fluffing the basics. The best RPG of the current generation? With a bit more care, it could have been. |
Myst review (PC)Reviewed on March 25, 2011If you bought a computer between about 1993 and 1996, you'll have got a free computer game with it. Perhaps your mum will have played it, sitting in front of the PC for hours on end, trying to figure out solutions to the game's many puzzles as she wandered around the pretty environments. Myst quickly became one of the most popular games in the world, mainly because you couldn't bloody avoid the thing. |
The Longest Journey review (PC)Reviewed on August 25, 2010The Longest Journey isn't perfect, but in that imperfection lies something hugely special: something so magical, and so human. It isn't the best adventure game I've ever played, but it is the one I adore the most. |
Gratuitous Space Battles review (PC)Reviewed on August 12, 2010Gratuitious Space Battles is a sort of turn-based strategy game, except it’s not really turn-based as such. As in, there’s only one turn per game. On the surface, you arrange your fleet of spaceships then send them into battle against an enemy fleet. In single-player this means battling through a plotless series of individual skirmishes. Online it means downloading challenges other players have set up, and trying to defeat their submitted fleet. There's no direct contact with your opponents, except that you're given the chance to leave them a message after the fight's over. |
Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon review (PC)Reviewed on July 24, 2010Recently, a Director’s Cut of the first game has been released on both the iPhone and the Wii. Both versions prove what a remarkable title that still is, despite feeling somewhat aged now. But for me, The Sleeping Dragon will always mark the pinnacle of the series: despite some shaky mechanics, it’s the one I’d be least willing to let slip from memory. |
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