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Welcome to the list of the games for which I have contributed reviews. By default, reviews are alphabetically organized by platform and title. You can click to sort them differently, if you prefer.
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# |
Gametitle | Rating |
Platform |
Views |
Submitted |
01 |
Grandia II | 4.5/5 |
Dreamcast |
1250 |
Apr 14, 2004 |
02 |
Zombie Revenge | 3/5 |
Dreamcast |
1533 |
Feb 10, 2004 |
03 |
Aliens Vs. Predator 2 | 4.5/5 |
PC |
1259 |
Apr 27, 2004 |
04 |
Call of Duty | 5/5 |
PC |
1251 |
Jan 25, 2004 |
05 |
Command and Conquer: Renegade | 4/5 |
PC |
1397 |
Mar 07, 2004 |
06 |
Brave Fencer Musashi | 4.5/5 |
PlayStation |
1443 |
Aug 24, 2006 |
07 |
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night | 4.5/5 |
PlayStation |
1507 |
Jan 16, 2004 |
08 |
Chrono Cross | 4/5 |
PlayStation |
1276 |
Jan 21, 2004 |
09 |
Dance Dance Revolution Konamix | 4.5/5 |
PlayStation |
1312 |
Jan 28, 2004 |
10 |
Disney's Tarzan | 4/5 |
PlayStation |
1581 |
Mar 20, 2004 |
11 |
Final Fantasy IV | 3.5/5 |
PlayStation |
1274 |
May 27, 2006 |
12 |
Final Fantasy Origins | 3/5 |
PlayStation |
1265 |
Jun 30, 2004 |
13 |
Legend of Mana | 2.5/5 |
PlayStation |
1261 |
Jan 29, 2006 |
14 |
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete | 4/5 |
PlayStation |
1316 |
Feb 04, 2006 |
15 |
Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles | 3/5 |
PlayStation |
1372 |
Feb 14, 2004 |
16 |
Strider 2 | 4.5/5 |
PlayStation |
1488 |
Mar 12, 2004 |
17 |
Suikoden | 4.5/5 |
PlayStation |
1268 |
Feb 28, 2005 |
18 |
Suikoden II | 4.5/5 |
PlayStation |
1379 |
Feb 16, 2004 |
19 |
Threads of Fate | 3/5 |
PlayStation |
1490 |
Jan 27, 2004 |
20 |
Vagrant Story | 3.5/5 |
PlayStation |
1601 |
Apr 25, 2004 |
21 |
Valkyrie Profile | 4/5 |
PlayStation |
1199 |
Jul 05, 2004 |
22 |
Grand Theft Auto III | 3.5/5 |
PlayStation 2 |
1652 |
Mar 29, 2004 |
23 |
The Hobbit | 2.5/5 |
PlayStation 2 |
1639 |
Jul 09, 2006 |
24 |
ICO | 4/5 |
PlayStation 2 |
1219 |
Feb 12, 2006 |
25 |
Shadow Hearts: Covenant | 4/5 |
PlayStation 2 |
1443 |
Dec 29, 2006 |
26 |
Silent Hill 2 | 4.5/5 |
PlayStation 2 |
1374 |
Dec 07, 2004 |
27 |
Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht | 3.5/5 |
PlayStation 2 |
1278 |
Feb 01, 2004 |