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About Me: Sorry, but I haven't yet shared the information about myself that would typically display here. Check back later to see if that changes, or if I instead choose to remain an enigma. |
Have you read my buddy Rob's
review for SNES Doom? Not only
does 3DO Doom have most of the
same problems, but it runs in a
windowed mode that takes up two
fucking inches of your television
screen. There's really nothing
more to say. At least the new
music is nice.
Final score: 1/10.
Why would this not be accepted, Jason?
using only the axiom of completeness, i will prove that Doom 3 sucks.
functional analysis? c'mon son, get the fuck outta here with that shit.
combinatorial group theory? mmmmmm
i also wrote some reviews but i think if i ever try to do it again it'll just be a mess of symbols and i'd try to define a topology on samus aran's robo titties.
(4:52:39 AM) almighty Fatness: "topics in algebra and number theory" i wonder how that'll be.
(4:52:43 AM) almighty Fatness: probably shit, i hate number theory.
(4:53:31 AM) PickHut: What if it was number conspiracy theories?
(4:53:36 AM) almighty Fatness: haha
(4:53:40 AM) almighty Fatness: the x files
(4:53:41 AM) almighty Fatness: BAD JOKE
(4:53:44 AM) PickHut: hahaha
because I'm very bored.
-as always, third men make or break you. GUTS coasted us through a season in '05 and then cost us it when he didn't show for the finals, arkrex cost us '07, and now not being able to count on Espiga to even have a chance at Schultz in the finals forced an awkward lineup that put everything on one guy. also notice how much picking Vorty hurt WQ's squad. the best draft picks weren't the Zigs and the Woodhouses, they were the DOIs and the BELIs.
-Week 4 was hilarious in hindsight, even if Jerec is still a bitch. if he'd just abstained from voting on the Metal Slug match then our teams would have tied with one win each and the same amount of votes, which would have been awesome. oh well.
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