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EmP's Choice
May 28, 2010

Like Zig has done in the past, I have decided to let you, the unwashed masses, decide on what I review next. Unlike Zig in the past, I'll actually review what the majority decide.


Band of Bugs (XBLA)
Resident Evil 5: Untold Stories (XBOX 360)
Breath of Death VII (XBLI)
Secret of Monkey Island Collectors Edition (XBLA)
Sam & Max 302 (PC)
Uno (Sadistic choice)

Voting starts now. Voting closes whenever.

Most recent blog posts from Gary Hartley...

overdrive overdrive - May 28, 2010 (02:25 PM)
I'll go with Band of Bugs, as I don't know anything about that game, which makes it a perfect choice to pick someone else to review.
darketernal darketernal - May 29, 2010 (05:34 AM)
Secret of Monkey Island, for there can never be enough three headed monkeys around.
dementedhut dementedhut - May 29, 2010 (08:01 AM)
Uno, especially if you have Live.

zippdementia zippdementia - May 29, 2010 (12:09 PM)
RE:5. I should probably review the damn thing myself, but I won't say no to an EMP review.
EmP EmP - May 30, 2010 (04:38 AM)
Four votes, each for a totally diffferent game. Figures!

I'll respond by reviewing a game not even on list, and one no one has voted for.
zippdementia zippdementia - May 31, 2010 (10:07 PM)
I tell you what, I'm throwing my vote in for UNO. I'd lvoe to see an UNO review.
wolfqueen001 wolfqueen001 - June 01, 2010 (04:32 PM)
I'll vote for Uno too because I'm feeling particularly moody and mean-spirited right now.
zippdementia zippdementia - June 01, 2010 (11:51 PM)
That's an unprecedented THREE votes for Uno. You are now contractually obligated to review Uno, EmP.
EmP EmP - June 02, 2010 (10:31 AM)
FINE! But I want feedback from all three of you.

AND! I'll do it in the next few hours.
wolfqueen001 wolfqueen001 - June 02, 2010 (11:49 AM)
This I have to see. If you manage that, I'll be highly amused.

I forgot to add that I wouldn't be opposed to the RE game either, but I guess it's a bit late now.
EmP EmP - June 02, 2010 (12:01 PM)
Done and done.
zigfried zigfried - June 02, 2010 (03:59 PM)
darketernal darketernal - June 02, 2010 (06:45 PM)
Philistines, all of you.

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