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Alisia Dragoon (Genesis) artwork

Alisia Dragoon (Genesis) review

"Alisia Dragoon may not be God’s gift to action gamers but it still packs a punch. Not only does it star a hot anime chick (Well, some might think that) but also it has the best method of pest control I’ve seen. Who would’ve thought that sweeping bolts of lightening are an effective method for destroying a bunch of mangy insects? "

Alisia Dragoon may not be God’s gift to action gamers but it still packs a punch. Not only does it star a hot anime chick (Well, some might think that) but also it has the best method of pest control I’ve seen. Who would’ve thought that sweeping bolts of lightening are an effective method for destroying a bunch of mangy insects?

We start off with an old-fashioned tale of revenge. Baldur, a wizard who has recently become one powerful bastard has attacked and killed another wizard; It’s a shame for Baldour though because that magician was actually the father of Alisia Dragoon, a scantly clad babe who has the power to summon lighting and control a small number of monsters. Yeah, I bet you know how it’s going to end already.

Alisia can emit a bolt of lightning from her palms that can sweep away enemies from afar. She can also allow it to charge for a while and create a double-edged beam that takes out every living thing on the screen. Charging is done automatically but it gets a bit slower when it reaches the top, because it enters the ”Zone”. When in the ”Zone,” you can pull off your double edged attack but it depletes your energy to the normal level. When you attack, your energy bar will decrease until you can’t shoot anymore, leaving you vulnerable.

She also has the power to summon four little monsters to help her out. These playful critters follow you wherever you go and will assist you greatly in your fights. When you summon a creature he will slowly charge up his energy bar and use an attack. You can choose from a fireball spewing dragon, a lizard that hurls boomerangs, a little fire demon that burns all in his way and the Seabird of the Apocalypse! He can clear all of the enemies on the screen with one hit but it takes a little time. Your little pets will follow you to the ends of the earth but they can be killed rather quickly. If one dies, then you can summon another if you wish but it can be easier to be an independent woman and go it alone.

Monsters and other horrors do their best to stop you and you may need a double shot of caffeine so you can keep with what’s going on. Swarms of flies rush at you with no warning! Deadly assassins leap from the sky and blow up right next to you! Some guys even hide in the background and try to blow your head off! Bastards! But, with your trusty electric powers, you can fry them as fast Pikachu on Speed. Prepare yourself though, for some ultra-tough boss battles. Since none of them have health meters, you have no fucking clue what their status is. This leads to some long and weary battles with teleporting wizards, sea creatures and a fully equipped tank! So much for the fantasy adventure, guys. A tank! Holy shit!

Alisia Dragoon isn’t going to be something you’ll remember about for years after. It does its job well, providing us with a few hours of quality action but it’s not anything special. Blowing the hell out of little bugs and other monsters with bolts of lightening is fun but once you’ve blown until you can’t blow no more, you probably won’t look back on this fun yet slightly forgettable title.

goldenvortex's avatar
Community review by goldenvortex (August 05, 2005)

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