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Available Reviews
ZombiU (Wii U)

ZombiU review (WIIU)

Reviewed on November 26, 2012

Backed by Ubisoft’s bulging coffers and headed our way as a throwback from the arm of a Joe Schmo rather than a Joe Montana, the title feels like it belongs in the genre’s middling days and not its prime.
F-Zero GX (GameCube)

F-Zero GX review (GCN)

Reviewed on March 22, 2004

Skip the cheesy lyrics to the late 80s power electric guitars in the background, as I’m taking you on a journey to the future! Not a future that exists in a cyber world where crime is around the bend of every corner, or a future where we live in floating homes that resemble bubbles, but a future where all of the music sounds like the them song to Gem, and all of the vehicles hover in the air! F-Zero GX, developed by the same team at Sega that is responsible for the critical successes in the Supe...
The Suffering (Xbox)

The Suffering review (XBX)

Reviewed on March 22, 2004

Midway has recently taken a new direct route towards gamers: their objective is to create new, exciting games that actually play decently. With a bright 2004 line-up in check, including Mortal Kombat: Deception in the fall, Midway has delivered a striking blow with the release of The Suffering, which has been in the making so long that dinosaurs were planned as the original development team. When the meteor hit, Surreal took the project away, and ran with it. After so much time in tweaking and a...
Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)

Super Mario 64 review (N64)

Reviewed on February 05, 2004

Wow... Around nine years ago, I remember going on certain video game websites that have well than went under since then, downloading movies of Super Mario 64 on my highly slow 28k modem, waiting a good hour for a thirty second clip to download completely. The movie was of the stage Tiny-Huge Island, and Mario was riding around on a Koopa shell over the lush ocean that surrounded the stage into the distance. “By God...” I mumbled, in amazement. The day that I played it, inside of an import game s...
Loaded (PlayStation)

Loaded review (PSX)

Reviewed on February 05, 2004

Many years ago, back in 1995, the PlayStation was a newcomer into the age is 32 bit systems. God, that seems like such a long time now, doesn’t it? The PlayStation, unlike every other system in the modern gaming age of Nintendo, did not have a huge flagship title, besides the best version of Mortal Kombat 3, or a few other give-or-take arcade fighters and the like. So, how exactly did the Sony PlayStation become one of the innovators in gaming as we know it? With a little help from their friends...
Kid Niki: Radical Ninja (NES)

Kid Niki: Radical Ninja review (NES)

Reviewed on February 05, 2004

Oh boy, here we go. It is the return of the almost-practical “Zoop reviews a game that he has written an FAQ for” gag that I have done with everything from War Of The Monsters to Ratchet & Clank to Wario World. But this time, it is different; I grew up with average NES games as a kid. I remember having a ball with titles such as... uh... Kid Niki... and um... another above average NES game... Monster Party! There ya go! But now that I am more of a mature gamer, does Kid Niki stand the test of ti...
Wario World (GameCube)

Wario World review (GCN)

Reviewed on February 05, 2004

Let me go ahead and make a confession... Over the past year or so, I have lost faith in video games, in general. Every game I have played in the past year has been mediocre to very good, but nothing had caught and kept my attention in quite some time. I even went back and began playing some of my old favorites, yet even they started to feel stale to me. Super Mario Sunshine was a let down, Star Fox Adventures was a trashy novelty, and The Wind Waker, while a great game, was nothing more than jus...
Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest (GameCube)

Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest review (GCN)

Reviewed on February 05, 2004

Looking for something new? Looking for something different? Looking for something that will make you tilt your head to the side while looking at your television screen, like a confused puppy? Then Cubivore is the game that you should play. While it is very hard to find this game for rent, I say it is a safe buy, and now I will explain why I think that it is.
WarioWare, Inc: Mega Microgame$! (Game Boy Advance)

WarioWare, Inc: Mega Microgame$! review (GBA)

Reviewed on February 05, 2004

Very rarely will a game have a big name license, such as Wario (okay, “big name” and “Wario” can be argued together, but he is a hell of a lot better and more credible than Frogger), and provide a new, fresh, and unique aspect of the gaming culture that around 70% have never seen since the “boom” period. This is the type of game that Atari enthusiast and Grand Theft Auto/Devil May Cry games can enjoy alike! Hey, we haven’t gotten soldiers and hippies to hug in a long time, and Wario Ware, Inc. M...
SSX 3 (PlayStation 2)

SSX 3 review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 05, 2004

Back in 2001, SSX was one of the most successful launch titles for the PlayStation 2, and to this day, it remains as a landmark in the PlayStation 2 library. Hot off of the success of the original came SSX Tricky. EA BIG went out and swapped up the best voice acting available to make the series a star studded event to be seen. Sadly, a lot of the overall value felt overproduced and a bit shallow. It felt as if the series had traded in the “little hype, all game” feel for an overdone Hollywood pr...
Grabbed by the Ghoulies (Xbox)

Grabbed by the Ghoulies review (XBX)

Reviewed on February 05, 2004

Since Rare moved over to the Microsoft ship, the team has been hard at work on numerous titles for the Xbox, while putting out a small title in the midst of the process. Grabbed By The Ghoulies was not received well by critics, as well as by fans of the development team. Most are certain that Rare has fallen from grace, while many agree that the company is brewing up something special, and wanted to have something released for the system by the end of the fiscal year. Regardless of the constant ...
Silent Hill 3 (PlayStation 2)

Silent Hill 3 review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 05, 2004

Well, it looks as if Silent Hill 3 has finally hit the states, and wherever else it hit at that time, to boot. About time, after nearly five delays. Let me state this before you read the review: I am a huge fan of Silent Hill 2. I felt as if it were near perfection of the feeling that you get when you become too scared to continue playing. The game was grainy in the “light” version of the town, and petrifying in the “dark” version of the town. I was expecting Silent Hill 3 to succeed it in every...
Manhunt (PlayStation 2)

Manhunt review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 05, 2004

It had to come sooner or later: a game where the complete trademark revolving around all of the action is finding new and inspiring ways to remove a man’s head from his shoulders. And to think that “New Line Cinema” isn’t in the publisher’s title! Even so, you can always rely on Rockstar Games to come up with some brand new idea to push the envelope, and Manhunt is no exception. While being fueled on the concept of blood and gore, the game revolves around sneaking from one area to the next, maki...
Contra: Shattered Soldier (PlayStation 2)

Contra: Shattered Soldier review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 05, 2004

Ahhh, yes. It is the ever-so long awaited return of one of the most notorious video games series of all-time: Contra. Contra had “returned” in many forms throughout the recent years on the PlayStation (One) and such, however, the “return” was more like a slap in the face of us Contra fans. This, as well as the not-so-true-to-the-original remake of Contra III: The Alien Wars on The Game Boy Advance, proved to most gamers that the Contra series was just a far, long lost memory, and shell of its fo...
ICO (PlayStation 2)

ICO review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 05, 2004

One of the key ingredients to a successful game, as most would say, is common a marketing technique. Whether it is a gimmick that a specific title uses, or a certain household name to boost sales, bad games tend to sell decently based on something that is completely driven away from the original concept of having fun. ICO is the complete opposite of what I am discussing here, and for such a good reason: it uses no gimmicks, it has no star-power, and it is not a flashy title. Playing ICO is like ...
Maximo vs. Army of Zin (PlayStation 2)

Maximo vs. Army of Zin review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 05, 2004

Maximo VS Army of Zin, the long-awaited sequel to the critical success Maximo Ghosts To Glory, is a lot like your hamster rolling around in a ball: it’s cute, quirky, lots of fun, and has a certain charm to it-much like the first game in the series, although several gameplay elements have changed, and for the better. The game’s difficulty has been toned down to the point that casual players that are attracted to the box art alone can pick the game up, and actually beat it this time around withou...
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Operation Resurrection (PlayStation 2)

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Operation Resurrection review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 05, 2004

Return To Castle Wolfenstein is one of the few titles that has received major hype behind it from the PC version of the title, and delivers with a nice touch on every platform it is released on. Obviously, even with the infamous hype, the weakest version of the three currently released is the PlayStation 2 version, as it lacks multiplayer/online play in comparison to the “online heavy” Xbox version. But can it survive without the online play in its deck of cards?

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