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F-Zero GX
February 06, 2006

Why is it I was able to conquer the Master difficulty in F-Zero X, but am struggling with Expert mode here? This is freaking insane Sega!

And it's odd, but I still can't tell whether or not I like this game more than its N64 counterpart. There are some parts where it's obviously superior, such as the fact that the racers are more dynamic, the tracks more complex, and the graphics giving it a greater sense of speed. There are also parts where it's clearly worse, like the length of the tracks or lack of X Cup and Death Race. And I think the analog stick is a bit too sensitive now, although that may just be me. So which parts are more important? Which is better? I don't know. You'd think I should know this stuff before trying to review the game. But enh, I'll just wing it.

And on a completely unrelated note that nobody else will care about, President Bush talked about cellulosic ethanol in his SOTU speech! Woohoo! He even specifically said switchgrass! Yeah, yeah, nobody else cares. But I thought it was cool. It's about time a president took notice. And I'll shut up now.

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Genj Genj - February 06, 2006 (06:18 PM)
Yeah, F-Zero GX is incrediably frustrating (but usually in a good way). I think I could only get through the first cup on the hardest difficulty. I couldn't even beat Story Mode on Normal, but then again Story Mode sucks ass anyway.
fighter86 fighter86 - March 07, 2006 (01:13 AM)
Don't shutup, speak strong. All my life I neglected speaking strong and speaking the way I truly am, and where has it gotten me? Absolutely no where. I wonder if your psychic? I can't deside about the F-Zeroes either, but both are good. I also happen to be stuck on the same difficulty.

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