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About Me:

Sorry, but I haven't yet shared the information about myself that would typically display here. Check back later to see if that changes, or if I instead choose to remain an enigma.

Ohh...Ronnie Mcrae
July 18, 2006

Ronnie Mcrae changed my life. This umm...complex character in Most Wanted has taught me some great, new phrases. "You aint got enough rep to roll with him!" Wow, he's way too cool for me. It was so satisfying to destroy him in a couple of head to head races. Then theres also Razor. "Five grand...FIVE GRAND!" He stole my car and has filled my inbox with idiotic, yet hilarious messages. I have to thank Most Wanted, not only for a quality game, but the accidental humor they put into it.

I want to write a review!
July 18, 2006

I want to write a review of the entertaining Battlefront 2, but I haven't had a chance to go online. Since, at this house I can't hook my PS2 up to the broadband connection. I need to play the online before I begin on my full review, but that will be in august. Probably the only person who will ever see this blog post is myself, but it was still worth it.

Yes, First Post! Wait...this is my own blog, dangit!


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