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the blue beam beckons
November 14, 2006

Just as i walk into the store, moments later a delivery guy brings in this hulking box with Nintendo logo boldly displayed on the front of it. One doesn't need to venture a guess as to what is inside. The asst. manager strips away at the cardboard and i look on with anticipating glee...

The kiosk had arrived at my local EBGames today. Unfortunately I was not able to test it out. The Nintendo rep wasn't going to show up today with the demo disc and controller, so i'll just have to wait another day until i get some hands-on time.

Most recent blog posts from Jason Lew...

honestgamer honestgamer - November 14, 2006 (09:40 PM)
By the time you're able to test it, the system will be available for purchase! Nintendo is sneaky like that. A lot of stores will be having midnight launch parties, so we're just a few short days away! Finally...
jiggs jiggs - November 14, 2006 (10:08 PM)
this store probably won't have a midnight launch party but that's okay. i want my wii now damnit! heh.

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