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Gaming 2008 The Story So Far
July 12, 2008

what do you think about all the games released so far? has 2008 lived up to your expectations? in some ways i am a bit disappointed with all the games that were hyped this year. like, super smash bros. brawl's online mode to MGS4's plot, etc. i think they could have handled certain aspects better.

i think the problem with this current console generation is it's reliance on current franchises and lack of new IP's to compensate for the lack of originality. it's just more of the same, with more polish, more immersion, but the end result leaves you unsatisfied and wanting more. even newly hyped IP's like Assassin's Creed or ahem..Haze could not step it up. the PS2 had it's share of sequels but also brought alot of new style of games the PS1 wasn't capable of. The PS2 and Dreamcast were definitely the pinnacle of 3d gaming.

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honestgamer honestgamer - July 12, 2008 (11:40 PM)
I really liked Assassin's Creed, but that was a 2007 release (as was Call of Duty 4, another favorite of mine).

This year, it's true that there hasn't been a lot of new stuff to get really excited about. I'm okay with that, since I've been so broke.

I still want to try/buy Mario Kart Wii and there are some other titles yet to come that I'm excited about. Persona 4 tops the list, naturally (and for the PS2, no less), but I'm also kind of interested in Mirror's Edge from Electronic Arts (looks really interesting) and Soul Calibur IV and Street Fighter IV have me really enthused.

The new Wario game for Wii also looks like it might be really good, plus word is that Nintendo is planning to announce Animal Crossing Wii this year. 2008 is halfway through, but still just getting started!
bluberry bluberry - July 13, 2008 (01:32 PM)
MGS4 could have handled the plot better, yeah, but uh... it's an MGS game, man. haha, Raiden's scenes were all truly horrible though.

so far I'm as nonplussed as ever. DMC4 I'm ambivalent about. No More Heroes was cool, though.

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