Invalid characterset or character set not supported The perfect female...

The perfect female...
February 17, 2010

...Is the first one that sings in this song.

If you disagree, you are wrong.


Most recent blog posts from Kyle Stepp...

Genj Genj - February 17, 2010 (06:42 PM)
Are you a k-wota?
espiga espiga - February 17, 2010 (07:19 PM)
I'm picking up Korean as my third language, because of how similar it is grammatically to Japanese. Therefore, I've been absorbing as much of the culture as I can. That includes catchy/gay k-pop songs. The group, f(x) just happens to have a member that I find unbelievably hot.
honestgamer honestgamer - February 17, 2010 (10:32 PM)
I can't say that I have any particular objections to the appearance of any of the girls in that group. Years ago, the subject of Oriental girls came up in a chat room and a Korean guy swore up and down that Korean girls are the hottest. I thought at the time that he was just saying that because of his own heritage, but I've since come to realize that he was right.*

* Except of course for my own wife, who is an angel and the best looking woman on the planet. Of course.
espiga espiga - February 18, 2010 (10:20 AM)
Nice save.

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