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Which is the better format:
September 08, 2007



Most recent blog posts from Donovan Chee...

iamtheprodigy iamtheprodigy - September 08, 2007 (04:05 PM)
honestgamer honestgamer - September 08, 2007 (04:15 PM)
BluRay, clearly. You have a PS3, and it IS the superior format of the two. If you didn't have either one and didn't plan to get a gaming machine, I guess it would be a tougher choice because BluRay players cost more, but BluRay is better. That much, at least, is certain.
espiga espiga - September 08, 2007 (04:45 PM)
As much as I hate to admit it thanks to Sony's cockassery, I'm going to have to say Blu-Ray. It has nothing to do with the size of the discs as much as it has to do with the Playstation 3. Regardless of my personal thoughts of it as a game machine, I can't deny that it's doing wonders for Blu-Ray in the movie industry. After all, why buy a Blu-Ray player or a HD-DVD player when you can buy a Blu-Ray player, web browser, DVD Player, game console, and even have a hard drive in there to boot, and still pay the same price--often even less. It makes financial sense, really, and it's one of the few smart moves Sony has made this generation. Now if only they'll get their cocks out of their mouths for the rest of the generation, we might actually see something good from them.
carcinogen_crush carcinogen_crush - September 08, 2007 (05:20 PM)
Ha. Mouth cocks. : )

That's what I was actually thinking last night while watching The Fifth Element on the PS3. Is there actually a quality difference between the two? Because if there is, then I definitely noticed that Blu-Ray has the edge. If not. . .

I'm insane.

And another question.

Does either format have any porn available? Because that would be awesome.

honestgamer honestgamer - September 08, 2007 (05:42 PM)
Sony has specifically said that porn will not be permitted on the BluRay format. This has by some people been viewed as a "bad move." Porn drives a lot of early adoptors of technology, after all.
daff daff - September 08, 2007 (05:47 PM)
I don't know if i would even want to see HD porn. The amount of makeup used per movie would be crazy.
carcinogen_crush carcinogen_crush - September 08, 2007 (05:49 PM)
Haha. Cool : )
Felix_Arabia Felix_Arabia - September 08, 2007 (10:12 PM)
I like regular DVDs because I fucking hate Sony and don't want to spend money to upgrade.

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