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For Suskie
July 18, 2011

I know not who is more obsessed, he or I. But I know we both will appreciate this:

Meh. Who am I kidding? He's probably watched it ten times already...which is ten less than me. :P

Lame Video For Emp Time:

True Baby Out

Most recent blog posts from Greg Knoll...

Genj Genj - July 19, 2011 (05:24 AM)
For True:

True True - July 19, 2011 (04:11 PM)
You're the best, Genjy. I missed you.
espiga espiga - July 19, 2011 (04:24 PM)
For True:
True True - July 19, 2011 (04:51 PM)
You guys are so good to me.

Were they uh...jacking it?
Genj Genj - July 19, 2011 (07:50 PM)
For True & Espiga:

honestgamer honestgamer - July 19, 2011 (08:26 PM)
Woah, Espiga. The gauntlet is seriously laid down. Props to Genj.
True True - July 19, 2011 (08:34 PM)
Yeah. Kyle showed that one to me like...three weeks ago. Get with the times Genj.*

*- I am in no way trying to inspire, suggest, or implement a Death Match. Trust me. I've learned that does no good for anyone. Still, it was kind of fun.

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