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About Me:

Current Community Manager of HonestGamers and former Editor-in-Chief of "RegretZero". I'm an aspiring wordsmith and a dreamer. I mainly play PC games, but also own a WiiU, Xbox One, and 3DS XL. My favorite genres are RPGs, RTSes, and fighters, but I'll pretty much play anything and be jolly while doing so. Find me on twitter @RegretZero. Have a suggestion regarding the HonestGamers website or community? Please send an email to Taylor(AT)HonestGamers(DOT)com and I'll be happy to chat with you.

Hello HonestGamers!
November 17, 2015

Hello HonestGamers!

I'm Taylor "PoeticPaladin" Whaley, the new Community Manager here at HonestGamers! I'm absolutely ecstatic to be here, especially after browsing the forums and seeing what an awesome community we have here.

As the Community Manager, my job is to participate in and help out the HonestGamers community. Think of me as a "Community Ambassador", if you will. I'm here to make sure that the quality reviews here at HonestGamers reach a wider audience, and to make sure all you fine folks realize how much we appreciate your work. As such, I'll be doing things like running community competitions and sharing reviews posted here through the HonestGamers' social media accounts and other online forums.

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