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September 01, 2007

Pleeeeeeaaaaase stop making Eurovision spinoffs.

For the Americans in the audience, I complain about tonight's Eurovision Dance Contest and the previous Eurovision Junior.

You see, the reason why Eurovision has such a high audience everywhere in the continent is because Europeans like to laugh at the silliness of it all. However, the organisers apparently believe the ratings mean we are actually interested in the contest itself and so they're starting to mass-produce imitations and spinoffs.

We don't care! Please make it stop ;_;

Most recent blog posts from Martin G...

pup pup - September 01, 2007 (09:29 PM)
I'm sorry. It won't happen again.
lisanne lisanne - September 02, 2007 (01:02 PM)
Ah come on, it was the campest thing in the world EVER, particularly with Graham Norton's constant piss-taking throughout.

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