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Square-Enix unveiling controversial future Final Fantasy game at E3
June 14, 2021

On the second day of this year's E3, Square-Enix closed its presentation with something called Stranger Of Paradise- Final Fantasy Origin, a trailer which has had a very divided opinion among fans of the popular roleplaying gaming franchise.

Nothing much than a few minutes of cut-scenes, gameplay, and dialogue has been shown in the initial trailer, with one of the protagonists uttering CHAOS over and over like a demented Pokemon. His name is Jack, and along with others like Jed and Ash they form the fabled Warriors of Light who raid a castle named Temple of Chaos in order to kill the fiend on which Jack keeps referring to the entire demo. At the end of the trailer we see a familiar face within the forebodding armor of Garland, seemingly the same Garland who was the antagonist to the very first Final Fantasy game, claiming he is Chaos.

Now you have been living under a rock for more than 30 years, you will know that Garland becomes Chaos at the end of the first game, becoming the legendary last boss Chaos within his temple. As for this new game having any relation to those events is not entirely known, but it seems to me Square-Enix wants to reboot the entire thing which makes me scratch my head if that is their intention. We know for one that nearly all entries up this point haver little relation to one another despite being sequels, so I am not sure if that is what they are going for.

One glaring thing about the trailer is the design on the heroe's clothing, specifically Jack who looks more in tandem with what Noctis wore in the recent FF game, namely contemporary clothing while battling in a medieval setting. Garland retains the same look he had shown in games like Dissidia, which in turn echoes on how he was designed in past titles from the beginning. It is all too confusing and being the trailer is less than 3 minutes long there is virtually no clear explanation on what is going to be happening when the game comes out in 2022.

Even gamesites can't provide enough info on what has been shown currently, so until Square-Enix decides to release more info on it we are all at a loss completely.

So how bad is it with what is known? The trailer uploaded at youtube is at almost 50/50 in likes and dislikes, along with comments mocking Jack and his obsession with Chaos. Hope Square-Enix has something relevant to change the minds of the unimpressed pretty soon.

Square-Enix also announced Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster which will include all first six games of the series, something that would cause celebration if it wasn't because its only to download from Steam and on mobile gaming. If Square-Enix wanted this to appease the ire of what fans seen about FFOrigin, I'd say they are not totally making that point.

Guess we will all have to wait and see.

Trailer for Final Fantasy Origin below:

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jerec jerec - June 14, 2021 (05:40 PM)
All I really wanted was some info on FFXVI and/or FF7R-2 and I got neither.

Those FF1-6 remakes don't look too good, either.
CptRetroBlue CptRetroBlue - June 14, 2021 (05:57 PM)
They sure don't.
Genj Genj - June 15, 2021 (11:45 AM)
The demo is actually working now and it's pretty fun. Gameplay is very similar to Nioh. This whole announcement seems really botched though. Everything from the trailer is in the demo. Would have been nice to see more variety. In the demo, you just get dropped in. It also has choppy performance despite not being all that visually impressive. Feels like the PS4 version hastily thrown on PS5 with zero optimization. Angry shirt man is really stupid and I hope the final game has a character creator for the protagonist. The party members were absolutely useless in combat.
CptRetroBlue CptRetroBlue - June 15, 2021 (05:28 PM)
I am agreeing in the main cast, not sure what their deal is.

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