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Cave news and some gaming progress.
December 07, 2010

Muchi Muchi Pork and Pink Sweets are two shmups released in Japan. They're made by Cave.

Like a lot of shmups in Japan, they're getting compiled and released on Xbox 360!

Unlike a lot of shmups in Japan, the package will be region free! This makes me happy, as it should you.

My gaming backlog is getting big, and I blame Black Friday, here's a list of what I'm playing:

Gran Turismo 5: Level 9 in A-Spec mode.

My Mitsubishi Lancer Evo stomps the competition blindfolded.

Super Meat Boy: I thought people said this game was hard?

I'm up to Chapter 4: Hell, and the hardest part has been dealing with unresponsive jumps.

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light: The game is tough until you unlock White Mage.

Then you can outlast every enemy in the game due to easily-abused mechanics.

The Orange Box: The PC version is better than the Xbox 360 one.

Well worth the $7.50 I paid for it on Steam.
Always related:

Most recent blog posts from Kyle Stepp...

JANUS2 JANUS2 - December 08, 2010 (09:34 AM)
HALO REACH: I reached the rank of Captain. My favourite game types at the moment are Team SWAT, Multi-Team and Rumble Pit. I also got some of the easier DLC achievements, like the armour lock to blow up a vehicle one.

I'm also waiting for Zigfried to review Splatterhouse to decide whether I buy it or not.

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