Invalid characterset or character set not supported Pata pata pata PON!

Pata pata pata PON!
December 11, 2007

I don't have a PSP and I don't even want one, but oh God, that's the game of the year right there :D You only have to watch the video once to get the rhythm stuck in your head for the rest of the week.

Apart from the catchy music, it also seems to have awesome visual design and crazy character customisation. Let's start porting it, developers!

Most recent blog posts from Martin G...

woodhouse woodhouse - December 11, 2007 (10:13 AM)
Unfortunately, my headphones don't work, but it definitely looks crazy.
Felix_Arabia Felix_Arabia - December 11, 2007 (01:05 PM)
Looks interesting, though the little patapons' (I'm assuming that's what they're called) chanting grated my ears.
MartinG MartinG - December 12, 2007 (08:54 AM)
I predict this is going to be the new Katamari, as far as weirdly addictive games go.
Aquas Aquas - December 24, 2007 (05:58 AM)
Oh, YES. I saw the CES trailer today and knew instantly I wanted it. Glad I got a PSP! Hwahah =D

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