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Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (GameCube) artwork


Scare factor: 6
Fun factor: 6
Replay value: 4
Graphics: 7
Sound: 8
Overall: 6

I know, I know... I gave this game a pretty harsh rating, is that what you're thinking? Well, let me tell you what... I didn't really like this game very much. And no, it's not because I'm obsessed with RE, it's because it's not that good of a game really. I mean, it's obvious that the game was poured from the computer or something by looking at the gfx, why was the game considered to have really good gfx again? They were ok, yes, but not impressive.

The game was too hard. The obstacles were ridiculous and the game wasn't even really scary. It was just you running around killing stupid alien things. And, no, I didn't only play it for 5 mins. I played this game for a couple hours. Me and my friend rented it and played it one night. We got to the 4th person, so no, I didn't decide I didn't like it after 5 mins. I really wanted to like it, that's why I continued playing it. I just couldn't really get into it though. I thought the story was pretty stupid and I didn't like the difficulty level of it. It was like platformer meets survival ''horror''. The only thing in this game that scared me was the bathtub part, ok, that made me jump. But the rest of it wasn't scary, it was just you trying not to get killed by moving floors or swinging pendulums or what-have-you.

If you really think this game appeals to you, then go ahead and play it. I know a lot of other reviewers think highly of it, but I wasn't impressed very much.

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Community review by jill (January 02, 2003)

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