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International Superstar Soccer 64 (Nintendo 64) artwork

International Superstar Soccer 64 (Nintendo 64) review

"Alot of soccer games have come and gone in America, and had only a passing interest. Of course, they weren't even sold at Japan cause they have even less support for soccer there. When the N64 first came out, this was one of the games to appear very early on the system. As a soccer game it was ok. It is basically Fifa with just cheaper controls. "

Alot of soccer games have come and gone in America, and had only a passing interest. Of course, they weren't even sold at Japan cause they have even less support for soccer there. When the N64 first came out, this was one of the games to appear very early on the system. As a soccer game it was ok. It is basically Fifa with just cheaper controls.

GRAPHICS (4/15): This was created very early in the N64's life span, and it is apparent in the graphical qualities. While the character supposebly look different, besides their color and there hairstyle all of the players look exactly alike. They are small, and the field also has a very dull picture. I mean the graphical qualities are there, just not profound. However there is no slowdown which is a plus, and the replays look ok.

SOUND (5/10): The announcers are actually not that bad. They have good ol' australian accents and it makes the game kinda interesting to listen too. However the announcers do get repetitive, and will start saying the same thing over and over. There is no music besides the gameplay screen, so it is just you and the annuncers.

GAMEPLAY (21/60): This is proof that Fifa are the only ones who can make fun soccer games. It is very easy to pass and make shots, and you can alwasy just turbo to the goal no matter what the situation. The shots are fairly easy to finangle, and you will be able to score 8 or more a game, or score not at all depending on your level of difficulty. It is also very hard to intercept a pass. Really the funnest part of the game is taking out the goalie and getting carded. This is what I did most of all in International Soccer, turboeing to the goalie and then getting blocked, and getting retribution. Poor ol' guy didn't stand a chance. This game really is just not that fun compared to other soccer games, and does not have that edge.

REPLAYABILITY (3/10): This game has multiple different modes of gameplay, but they are all basically the same. It gets boring fast, and is not worth the amount of time you could put into it. You probably never will finish any complete type of season.

DIFFICULTY (3/5): There are multiple levels, but the gaps between them are huge. So you may be able to dominate one level, but be dominated the next. While you can train yourself to be able to do so, the game does lose any edge it could've had.

OVERALL (36/100): This is one of my most dissapointing experiences with any videogame made for the Nintendo 64. This game I borrowed, and really did not enjoy until I returned it. It was a game which was basically back and forth using turbo, where passing was a mistake, and slide tackling was the ONLY way to get the ball back. There was no intercepting passes. It just was not put together well, and it is much more fun playing on modern day soccer game.

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Community review by ratking (December 04, 2002)

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