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Pokemon Gold Version (Game Boy Color) artwork

Pokemon Gold Version (Game Boy Color) review

"Pokemon Gold is one of those games that improves upon an already great game. The original Pokemon for gameboy was already a major success, and well they took that some recipe and added a few new ingrediants. This time there were 100 more pokemon, a way to breed them, and different times of day and night. Of course to get all 250 you would have to trade your Pokemon you already from the originals, and Pokemon silver. However the game is similiar, and yet so much better. "

Pokemon Gold is one of those games that improves upon an already great game. The original Pokemon for gameboy was already a major success, and well they took that some recipe and added a few new ingrediants. This time there were 100 more pokemon, a way to breed them, and different times of day and night. Of course to get all 250 you would have to trade your Pokemon you already from the originals, and Pokemon silver. However the game is similiar, and yet so much better.

STORY (9/10): It's really the same as the first Pokemon game. You want to become the ultimate trainer, so you visit Professor Elm and he gives you a starter Pokemon. Then you go out and meet Proffesor Oak, and start your journey through. There are a few places in which Team Rocket will stop your journey. Also you may run into a familiar face a few times. Don't forget once you beat the new world of Kanto, it's time to go back to the old world.

GRAPHICS (12/15): Pokemon Gold/Silver never really improved upon the graphics started by Blue/Red. They are nearly identical to the graphics they had before, except there are new pictures for each Pokemon and the fight moves are a little more well done.

SOUND (7/10): The sound like the graphics are not very improved upon. The bicycle music is exactly the same as before, and you will be hearing it again and again. However the gyms do have different music in each one, and well that isn't that bad. There is also a radio station system, but no where near as effective as the one in GTA3. The sound is not great, but it is not bad either. This is another area, however I would like to see improvement on in Pokemon Advance.

GAMEPLAY (49/50): The gameplay in Pokemon Gold/Silver is addictively fun. I waited a while to get this game, but once I finally did I realized why it was so great. It is the same idea as the original Pokemon as you go around catching Pokemon for your Pokedex while trying to battle your way through Gym Trainers. Of course that is not all you do, for some gym trainers won't fight you until you heal certain creatures, and you will find yourself fighting sailors in a lighthouse. These subquests, might not make that much sense but it is definitely needed in these type of games. This gives it a little edge as you battle with your six favorite Pokemon. After you battle your way to the Pokemon League, the game is not over yet. There is still a whole 'nother world to explore and catch Pokemon. By trading you can try to get 250 Pokemon, but that is not too likely for the amount of rare Pokemon in this game is insanely high. However it is not discouraging, it just gives you more times to play. As your Pokemon gains in level they gain new and usually more powerful moves. You can use this to created the ultimate Pokemon (AMPHROSE). All you people who hate Pokemon out there really don't know what you are missing. This is a great amount of fun.

REPLAYABILITY (10/10): To catch all 250 Pokemon will keep you playing along time, especially if you want to max them to the best of their capibilities. I still play Pokemon Gold/Silver to this day, as I try to get my various Pokemon stronger, and or evolving a few of them too... I have 201 or something like that currently in my Pokedex, so I am not done yet. The game itself is fairly long to, so this is one game you won't be putting away easily.

DIFFICULTY (5/5): You will not cruise through this game, for you will have to keep the levels of your Pokemon up. If you try to go through without leveling them up, you will run into a few brickwall, like the Miltank. But once you do get those levels down, it is an entertaining run through, and one you will not regret taking.

OVERALL (92/100): Pokemon Gold is not really a technoligically advance game. Graphic and sound wise, you could stick this game on the Gameboy color, however the amount of information stored in this game is another story. Pokemon Gold is a must have for any real gamer, and I don't care if you want to run over Pikachu with a car. Pokemon is kiddie in story only, for the game itself is suitable for all ages.

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Community review by ratking (July 08, 2002)

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