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Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition (PC) artwork

Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition (PC) review

"I am in no way a fan of first person shooters. Personally, I hate most of them cause I suck. However this game is a completely different story. I got this game awhile ago, and my friend hooked it up. He told me it was awesome, and that even I could play it. I lauged at him, and assumed this is another game I'll just leave on my computer and not play. However one day later, I was sitting around bored and threw the game in for a try. I found myself working through the Deathmatch instantly. I am no..."

I am in no way a fan of first person shooters. Personally, I hate most of them cause I suck. However this game is a completely different story. I got this game awhile ago, and my friend hooked it up. He told me it was awesome, and that even I could play it. I lauged at him, and assumed this is another game I'll just leave on my computer and not play. However one day later, I was sitting around bored and threw the game in for a try. I found myself working through the Deathmatch instantly. I am now at the final level in deathmatch, and for a first person shooter this is a major feat for me. But the game doesn't stop there because it has the most easily accessible multiplayer mode ever. What else is there to say?

STORY (3/5): You are in a futuristic world, where they hold a tournament with many combatents, some out of jail and so forth. There are some alien races and stuff. Watch the beggining to get the story, because besides that there is not much of one.

GRAPHICS (19/20): They are crisp and clean, especially when you pick your own character. I always go with the cow, cause he is so rediculous that it is awesome. Of course the backgrounds are especially good, and the levels are shaded in various places to best fit the level. What else can I say? The only problem is sometimes there is minor slowdown.

SOUND (6/10): The sound is fairly good, but I can say I have heard better on the PC (AKA FF7). Each course has one soundtrack, and the people do scream when they are shot. However this is one game you won't buy the soundtrack for.

GAMEPLAY (38/40): It's a first person shooter, therefore the first thing that must be discussed is the artelary. This game has a fairly large artelary, including a weapon called the Redeemer that blows up everything in sight (including you alot of times) However there are multiple other guns, some in which that can shoot through corners, or saw off peoples heads. Now to the modes of play: Last Man Standing, Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Assault, and a few others are present in this game. Assault may get annoying fast, howeve Capture the Flag is an extremely entertaining game, and Last Man Standing is the ultimate fighting mode in my lifetime. The modes are all addicting besides that Assault, but they do the job well. Now the controls... How can you survive in a first person shooter if the controls suck, you really can't. However in this game the controls are extremely responsive, and controlling mistakes will definitely not get you killed. What can I say? Unreal Tournament is fun!!!!

MULTIPLAYER (9/10): AKA Online play. There is no multiplayer that isn't online, but in truth that makes alot of sense. However the online play is strong, you can either host your own [if you don't have firewall :-<] or you can join in one of the many online. Here you face off against people you have never seen before, in a belief that you can take the level. However the chats don't really work, so it is random, and too my knowledge there are no predetermined tournamnets with seeding and stuff. However this is still an AWESOME multiplayer game.

REPLAYABILITY (9/10): Really this is in someways the same as multiplayer, so I will not repeat myself. However the one player mode is very large, with multiple types of games, and many levels in it. Also various modes of difficulty, although the list of battle will end at one point or another.

DIFFICULTY (5/5): In the single player no matter what your skill level is, you will fit in. I can play this game, and that means alot in a first person shooter. Also once you realize your style of play, you might even be able to hold your own in online play, at least until it nears the end.

OVERALL (89/100): A first person shooter in which I have been found player number of times. The only game that even remotely resembles this is Perfect Dark, and I really sucked at that one. However once you learn how to play anybody has a shot of staying close, however usually the best will win. And you will fight hard to be the best, for this is an Unreal Tournament!!

ratking's avatar
Community review by ratking (June 20, 2002)

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