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Available Reviews
Exile (Genesis)

Exile review (GEN)

Reviewed on August 03, 2006

However, I soon realized that virtually everything had suddenly been reduced to nothing more than speed bumps. If an enemy hit me, I didn’t even flinch. My preferred boss strategy was simply to stand in front of the villain and hit the “attack” button as rapidly as I could until it perished. At some point in the game, Sadler learned magic. I never cast a single spell. I also didn’t bother purchasing the stat-enhancing items and only used a total of four healing goods (two during the final boss fight).
overdrive's avatar
R-Type (Game Boy)

R-Type review (GB)

Reviewed on August 03, 2006

TYPEcast For Greatness.
EmP's avatar
Grandia Xtreme (PlayStation 2)

Grandia Xtreme review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 01, 2006

Grandia faithfuls know that long dungeons aren't a problem with this series. Its Active Time Battle combat system is one of the best around, and Xtreme improves it.
lasthero's avatar
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Atari 2600)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre review (A2600)

Reviewed on July 30, 2006

While it certainly pushes the envelope in terms of content even by today’s standards, this massacre of good taste quickly runs out of gas both metaphorically and quite literally.
sho's avatar
N3: Ninety-Nine Nights (Xbox 360)

N3: Ninety-Nine Nights review (X360)

Reviewed on July 29, 2006

Ninety-Nine Nights is grand, sweeping, and epic. Each character's attack style is varied, each storyline is different, and the secret character's adventure is a BLAST. At the best of times, the game's thoroughly engrossing and a joy to play. Unfortunately, because of numerous design issues, it can't fend off the bellowing swarms of other, better, older brawlers.
zigfried's avatar
The Suffering (PlayStation 2)

The Suffering review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 28, 2006

After a certain point in the game, most players will be used to that sort of chaotic action, as The Suffering revels in it. Torque spends much of the game trapped in a lunatic’s nightmare, surrounded by panicking guards and inmates fighting each other, as well as their otherworldly foes.
overdrive's avatar
Time Crisis II (PlayStation 2)

Time Crisis II review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 27, 2006

The clock is relentless, and the only way to beat it is to get through the walls of enemies as quickly as possible. Like cockroaches, terrorist thugs pour from doorways, pop out of windows, rappel from rooftops, and leap from trees, armed with everything from pistols, to machine guns, grenades, and tanks.
pup's avatar
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (Xbox)

Tony Hawk's Underground 2 review (XBX)

Reviewed on July 27, 2006

Every now and then I forget this and foolishly revist the game, but in playing, I remember why I abandoned it. THUG2 is less about skating and more about a basic and ludicrous toilet humour that even rugby players wouldn't find amusing.
EmP's avatar
Jaws Unleashed (PlayStation 2)

Jaws Unleashed review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 21, 2006

But once you get past its beauty, once you stop admiring and start playing, the problems come. Jaws was a movie about a shark that ate people in the 70’s. Jaws: Unleashed is a game about a shark that eats people in the modern day, targets chemical plants, destroys oil platforms, and sinks ships by hurling torpedoes at them, making him the shark equivalent of Captain Planet.
lasthero's avatar
Arcus 1-2-3 (Sega CD)

Arcus 1-2-3 review (SCD)

Reviewed on July 21, 2006

Wolf Team often waxes philosophical in their games, and Arcus is no exception. This time around, they've crafted a story about the evils of war: Rig Veda doesn't like how humans indiscriminately slaughter their own kind, so he's going to kill EVERYONE. It's an unusually reflective journey that often seems more concerned with exploring the nature of humanity than with saving the world.
zigfried's avatar
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES)

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse review (NES)

Reviewed on July 20, 2006

In Castlevania III, Death still is a brutal opponent (and making it a two-part battle doesn’t help), but a number of blocks are strategically placed in his room, so a skilled player can chase the reaper from one corner to the next. Trevor might have no safe places to hide, but neither does his undead foe! It might not seem like a big deal, but trust me — the odds are a lot more even here than in Castlevania.
overdrive's avatar
Arcus II: Silent Symphony (X68000)

Arcus II: Silent Symphony review (X68K)

Reviewed on July 20, 2006

Arcus II is clearly not like other RPGs. I've played some streamlined games that worked, such as Riviera, but this one is so minimal that it's pointless. By skipping cutscenes and using the "run and only kill bosses" method, it can be completed in about an hour. Yes, this is a roleplaying game that you can beat in ONE HOUR!
zigfried's avatar
Wild Arms 4 (PlayStation 2)

Wild Arms 4 review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 16, 2006

That might be the greatest thing about Wild Arms 4: Accessibility. The puzzles are tough enough, the battles take enough strategy and the plot has enough depth any deep-thinking gamer. But the frenzied gamer gets platforming action, a superior battle system and a story that never stops moving forward.
lasthero's avatar
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES)

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link review (NES)

Reviewed on July 15, 2006

The reason Zelda II is special isn’t just the dungeons and their guardians, though, or the way it mixes two unique perspectives. What makes it so outstanding is how those elements contribute to the most tangible world the NES ever saw. It’s evident even in the way people talk about the game to this day.
honestgamer's avatar
Super C (NES)

Super C review (NES)

Reviewed on July 12, 2006

Winged soldiers come out of holes in the wall and glide to their level while mounted cannons provide a lethal distraction. And being distracted WILL lead to being dead on this level, as missing a jump and falling off the screen is as fatal as taking a round in the throat. As Scorpion and Mad Dog get closer to the top, an elevator catches up to them, forcing them to advance past these (and more) foes at a steady pace.
overdrive's avatar
Space Station: Silicon Valley (Nintendo 64)

Space Station: Silicon Valley review (N64)

Reviewed on July 12, 2006

Silicon Valley doesn’t offer action, intrigue, heavy violence, or anything remotely ‘hardcore’. But it does have sheep, floating sheep, sheep with springs for feet, dogs on wheels, rats on wheels, hippos with fecal mines, rabbits with helicopter ears that crap bombs from above, huskies on skis, penguins with infinite snowballs, turtle tanks, irritable sea bass, hyenas with motorcycle bodies, and about twenty others that escape me at the moment.
lasthero's avatar
Sexy Droids (Amiga)

Sexy Droids review (AMIGA)

Reviewed on July 11, 2006

This is a simple but engaging puzzle game for the whole family. Unless your family happens to be offended by nudity, because they’re the sort of puzzles where you gradually reveal pictures of women revealing themselves. Only instead of Penthouse Pets in the buff, you’ll be “treated” to chrome-plated gynoids posing provocatively in skimpy swimwear – and Robocop helmets.
sho's avatar
Point Blank DS (DS)

Point Blank DS review (DS)

Reviewed on July 10, 2006

A charming and frantic game, it’s all the fun of a carnival, without the hawkers, rigged games, and petting zoo aroma. Then again, there are reasons I don’t go to carnivals anymore.
pup's avatar
Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day (DS)

Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day review (DS)

Reviewed on July 09, 2006

Thankfully though, the smart folks at Nintendo have decided to put a patch on the problem, in the form of an intriguing little puzzle game. That game is Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!
destinati0n's avatar
Micro Machines V4 (PC)

Micro Machines V4 review (PC)

Reviewed on July 08, 2006

What could have been a tightly controlling game, then, is just an exercise in frustration. You never dare approach a corner at full speed because if you do, you’re pretty much screwed. This is true of any of the hundreds and hundreds of vehicles you can add to your collection, making their inclusion cosmetic rather than useful.
honestgamer's avatar

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