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You are currently looking through staff reviews for games that are available on every platform the site currently covers. Below, you will find reviews written by all eligible authors and sorted according to date of submission, with the newest content displaying first. As many as 20 results will display per page. If you would like to try a search with different parameters, specify them below and submit a new search.

Available Reviews
Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra (PlayStation 2)

Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 13, 2006

I enjoy fighting in Episode III, and I couldn’t be more pleasantly surprised. But the fighting wasn't what I came for. I came for solid characters and a solid plot held together by a solid science-fiction setting, something that the first two episodes delivered in spades. The finale doesn’t simply meet expectations; it exceeds them in every way.
lasthero's avatar
Rule of Rose (PlayStation 2)

Rule of Rose review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 12, 2006

Jennifer's about as comfortable (and skilled) with deadly knifes and other weaponry as one would expect the average teenage girl to be. Put a powerful lead pipe in her hands and watch as she swings, misses and takes what seems like an eternity to regain her equilibrium. Using short-range weapons like the assorted knives found throughout the game might solve that problem, but getting close enough to foes to make contact isn't always a good idea.
overdrive's avatar
Time Pilot (Xbox 360)

Time Pilot review (X360)

Reviewed on September 11, 2006

The year is 1982.
destinati0n's avatar
CivCity: Rome (PC)

CivCity: Rome review (PC)

Reviewed on September 11, 2006

With your first attempts at construction, you can only make tiny huts barely suitable for habitation. Residents demand a well, but they’ll only travel so far to reach it (apparently, crossing the entire city is just too much of a hassle and will prompt them to move to a city other than yours for the sake of eventual convenience).
honestgamer's avatar
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories (PlayStation 2)

Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 08, 2006

While Disgaea: Hour of Darkness was fascinating because of its frank discussion about silly subject matter, the sequel tries for a darker and more mature tone. Its attempts at humor seem almost half-hearted, and not just because of Adell. While it’s true that there are plenty of times you’ll smile at some of the jokes, they’re just not the focus they were previously.
honestgamer's avatar
Bone: Out from Boneville (PC)

Bone: Out from Boneville review (PC)

Reviewed on September 07, 2006

The comic's appeal was widespread, and, to a point, so is the game. The younger audience will enjoy the goofy characters, the vibrant colours and cartoony graphics whilst older players will enjoy that everything is just a little bit more complex then it seems. Behind the childish presentation lays a strong collection of characters that are a joy to interact with. From the sleepy-eyed Red Dragoon who takes a minimalistic approach to helping the cousins on their way to the triplet of playful possums that bicker for Fone's attention and take an immediate dislike to Phoney, there's an energetic world to explore. But before you can get lost in it, it's over.
EmP's avatar
Sega Ages: Dynamite Deka (PlayStation 2)

Sega Ages: Dynamite Deka review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 05, 2006

Because of its crazy atmosphere, diverse weaponry, and deep grappling system, 99% of delinquents agree: Dynamite Deka was, is, and always will be one damn fine brawler. I doubt Sega would have remade the game if it were a notorious ass-sucker. However, the game always suffered from two flaws: it was too short, and it was too easy. Fortunately, Sega's remake does more than replicate past success with fancier graphics.
zigfried's avatar
Bomberman - Act: Zero (Xbox 360)

Bomberman - Act: Zero review (X360)

Reviewed on September 04, 2006

Despite all of its (well-intentioned?) efforts to give the series a fresh, hardcore coat of paint, it just doesn’t do enough things right for the aesthetic focus to mean anything more than that you’ve just dropped a wad of cash on a $10 game. The carefully-rendered backgrounds do a great job of slapping you across the face with the notion that this world is desolate, but they don’t add anything to the play mechanics.
honestgamer's avatar
Texas Hold 'Em (Xbox 360)

Texas Hold 'Em review (X360)

Reviewed on September 03, 2006

The question here should not be whether Texas Hold ‘Em is fun or not, it should be whether TIK Games did a faultless job of converting it to the Live Arcade environment. The answer to that question is no.
janus's avatar
Texas Hold 'Em (Xbox 360)

Texas Hold 'Em review (X360)

Reviewed on September 01, 2006

It was only a matter of time until poker arrived on Xbox Live Arcade. However, is it worth it?
destinati0n's avatar
Heart de Roommate (PC)

Heart de Roommate review (PC)

Reviewed on August 31, 2006

While it’s true that there is nudity, that’s not so much the focus as you might anticipate. You probably expect Yusuke to sneak around peeking in bathrooms when girls are bathing, spying on shower stalls at school, and maybe raping a few females for good measure. That’s just not the focus, though, and Heart de Roommate is better for it.
honestgamer's avatar
RPG Maker 3 (PlayStation 2)

RPG Maker 3 review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 28, 2006

Sure, it won’t be easy. Just like with RPG Maker 2, you’ll have to spend hours typing on the keyboard. Being a fan of fantasy helps, since making any other genre is impossible. Crafting an RPG still requires the patience to master complex variables and design an intricate world, along with the direction to pull it all together. And if you can’t come to terms with the fact that a rotten game may be the fruit of your labor, you shouldn’t even bother.
lasthero's avatar
Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends: Harvest Time Hop and Fly (DS)

Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends: Harvest Time Hop and Fly review (DS)

Reviewed on August 27, 2006

A second stage type finds you controlling a dragonfly as he soars through the air on a fruit-gathering mission. He has to avoid floating flower seeds and other plants, as well as trickles of water that sometimes fall from above. Bumping into anything lowers his life meter, and splashing into liquid will slow him enough that he’ll miss valuable fruit or bump into something nasty. It’s like a horizontal shooter, only without the bullets or violence.
honestgamer's avatar
Ys III: Wanderers From Ys (Genesis)

Ys III: Wanderers From Ys review (GEN)

Reviewed on August 27, 2006

Ys III presents its bosses not as the typical war-of-attrition drag-out slugfests, but instead as short, brutal affairs that leave little room for tactical manoeuvring and places a bigger emphasis on quick-fire dodging and desperate slicing.
EmP's avatar
Wild Arms 3 (PlayStation 2)

Wild Arms 3 review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 27, 2006

After each defeat, they showed legitimate concerns their efforts might be destined to fail....but still pushed on, determined to succeed no matter what obstacles my characters threw in front of them. It was hard for me to not be impressed by their teamwork, diligence and utter dedication to accomplishing their tasks. The traits bestowed upon them by Sony almost made their villainy seem heroic.
overdrive's avatar
Ossu! Tatakae! Ouendan! (DS)

Ossu! Tatakae! Ouendan! review (DS)

Reviewed on August 27, 2006

Ossu! Tatake! Ouendan is as weird a game as you could envisage, but after you’ve experienced its tense, chaotic action and warmed to its eccentric cast you’ll keep coming back to improve your score and relive the artistic comic book plots. Few hand-held games have exacted this kind of hold on me, but then few games ask you to tap circles to the beat so three cheerleaders -- male cheerleaders -- can inspire people to succeed.
janus's avatar
Panzer Dragoon Orta (Xbox)

Panzer Dragoon Orta review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 25, 2006

Find all you need and, in doing so, help Orta find her answers, help her find peace and a place to belong in a war-torn world. Unfreeze the lonely heart of a lost young girl and help her find home.
EmP's avatar
Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage (Genesis)

Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage review (GEN)

Reviewed on August 21, 2006

Maximum Carnage may not be 100% faithful to the comic's experience, but it comes as close as a sidescroller could hope.
lasthero's avatar
Puyo Puyo Tsuu CD (Turbografx-CD)

Puyo Puyo Tsuu CD review (TGCD)

Reviewed on August 21, 2006

Basically, Puyo Puyo Tsuu CD is a competitive puzzle game, similar to Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo. Like any "well" puzzler, the goal is to keep your playfield clean... but in Puyo Puyo, high-scoring chain reactions cause additional slime-like Puyos to fall and infest your challenger's well.
zigfried's avatar
Power Strike II (Game Gear)

Power Strike II review (GG)

Reviewed on August 20, 2006

For a hand-held game, it’s pretty top-of-the-line, but I’ve never felt that portable systems and shooters were the best match. There’s no way to even come close to duplicating that magical arcade feeling on a screen the size of a potato. Instead of being so enthralled by this very respectable title that I was able to instantly unleash the shooter review to end all shooter reviews....I found myself wishing I’d scrapped the whole idea and just played M.U.S.H.A. again. I liked the game, but by the time I was done, I merely felt I’d played a good hand-held shooter, as opposed to a good shooter, period.
overdrive's avatar

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