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Available Reviews
Zombie Hunters (PlayStation 2)

Zombie Hunters review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 14, 2007

In this game you assume the role of a hot Japanese babe in a bikini who carves up the walking dead with her bloodthirsty katana – and that pretty much sums up why the Oneechanbara series are some of the most popular imports for the PS2.
sho's avatar
Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner (PSP)

Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner review (PSP)

Reviewed on February 13, 2007

Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner feels more like a contractual obligation than a labor of love. Through all the battles and monster-breeding, I don't sense any pride or purpose. Jewel Summoner isn't incompetent, but it's a waste of talent, a waste of hopes, and a waste of time.
zigfried's avatar
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (DS)

Hotel Dusk: Room 215 review (DS)

Reviewed on February 12, 2007

Hotel Dusk has the point-and-click feature down, but the adventure is conspicuously absent. The most exciting locales to visit in the two story hotel are a few vacant rooms, the lifeless bar, and three short hallways.
pup's avatar
Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia (PlayStation 2)

Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 09, 2007

Without ever being obvious about it, Ar Tonelico successfully immerses you in its world, makes you anxious to seek out each new song and experience. Try to fight it and you’ll hate the game. Embrace it and you’ll find yourself wrapped in one of the most unique experiences available, wrapped up nicely in an intriguing story and tied together with the pretty little bow that is the reyvateil.
honestgamer's avatar
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (Xbox)

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey review (XBX)

Reviewed on February 08, 2007

Welcome to Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. Welcome to a world that you will never want to forget.
EmP's avatar
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (FM-Towns)

Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders review (FMT)

Reviewed on February 05, 2007

This isn’t just the only version of Zak ever released on CD-ROM, but it’s also the only one to feature 256-color VGA graphics. And don’t think that means they must be little more than a slight update; all the graphics have been completely redrawn with totally awesome results, but they still remain extremely faithful to the original art style.
sho's avatar
Yin-Yang: X-Change Alternative (PC)

Yin-Yang: X-Change Alternative review (PC)

Reviewed on February 04, 2007

Yin-Yang goes to great lengths to utilize all those characters in illustrating Kaoru's dilemma. Naturally, he wants to return to normal, and we see moments where he freaks out about losing the physical and emotional strength that he's carefully developed as a man. He's also mortified to relearn how to use the restroom.
woodhouse's avatar
Life Force (NES)

Life Force review (NES)

Reviewed on January 31, 2007

But, like I said, there is one alteration to this formula in Lifeforce. Here, the second, fourth and sixth levels are vertical instead of the standard horizontal. And they don’t just look different, they play different, as well. Many of those fiendish traps I described aren’t present here — but there are a good number of indestructible asteroids and other, more organic, obstacles that plummet from the top of the screen, forcing the player to use twitch reflexes here and there. And even when series staples such as the rock-spewing volcanoes or Moai heads get dusted off, the change in viewpoint almost makes them seem like an original challenge.
overdrive's avatar
True Love (PC)

True Love review (PC)

Reviewed on January 30, 2007

The most important part comes when your childhood friend and the snotty rich girl find themselves in a clothes-tearing catfight over who gets first crack at your bodacious bod. You need some way to cool things down but there isn’t a bucket of water handy, so you spray them with whipped cream.
sho's avatar
Sam & Max Episode 3 - The Mole, The Mob and the Meatball (PC)

Sam & Max Episode 3 - The Mole, The Mob and the Meatball review (PC)

Reviewed on January 26, 2007

Because although the comedic script is sharper than ever in this episode, Sam & Max Episode 3: The Mole, The Mob and The Meatball suffers a few problems.
EmP's avatar
Crescendo (PC)

Crescendo review (PC)

Reviewed on January 25, 2007

At a glance, it’s just another game for horny men when real women are unattainable. You would expect to play it with one hand on the mouse and the other ready for action because no one plays hentai games for the story. That’s how the genre goes, isn’t it? Normally it is, but not here.
honestgamer's avatar
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Spirit Caller (DS)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Spirit Caller review (DS)

Reviewed on January 23, 2007

Much strategy comes into play. What cards should you put in that will complement each other and make their powers stronger together than divided? What can you do to counter common card effects your opponent might use?
yamishuryou's avatar
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (Xbox 360)

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition review (X360)

Reviewed on January 22, 2007

Lost Planet is one of those games that sounds much better than it actually is. Just when you're getting into the run-and-gun groove, Lost Planet slaps you in the face with some annoying quirk that slows everything down.
zigfried's avatar
Rise of the Dragon (Sega CD)

Rise of the Dragon review (SCD)

Reviewed on January 20, 2007

Don’t be fooled; the original disk-based release might be considerably harder to find, but it tears this CD “upgrade” into thousands of itty-bitty pieces.
sho's avatar
Samurai Sword (Famicom Disk System)

Samurai Sword review (FDS)

Reviewed on January 19, 2007

Personally I recommend that you just look at all the screenshots, because whatever crazy scenarios your imagination comes up with are almost certainly going to be a whole lot cooler than the real thing.
sho's avatar
Rise of the Dragon (PC)

Rise of the Dragon review (PC)

Reviewed on January 17, 2007

After the mayor’s daughter becomes the latest victim of a new drug that fatally mutates its users into twisted monstrosities, Blade reluctantly finds himself entangled with both the underworld Triads and an ancient Chinese prophecy proclaiming him the destined hero who either saves the world or gets “torn into thousands of itty-bitty pieces by the Evil One.”
sho's avatar
Justice League Heroes (PlayStation 2)

Justice League Heroes review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 16, 2007

And that brings up the main reason I love Justice League Heroes: It's not just an excellent superhero game, it's a excellent game. Period.
lasthero's avatar
Destiny of an Emperor (NES)

Destiny of an Emperor review (NES)

Reviewed on January 16, 2007

Capcom didn't want a player turning some minor figure like Yellow Turban lackey Cheng Yuan Zhi into one of the saviors of the Han Dynasty, so he'll be stuck with his piddling 195 soldiers the entire game. Meanwhile, major players like Zhang Fei and Guan Yu will find their soldier count get higher and higher. When I beat the game, my top generals all had well over 30,000 soldiers. Poor Cheng Yuan Zhi just didn't fit into that crowd.
overdrive's avatar
Robotech: Invasion (PlayStation 2)

Robotech: Invasion review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 16, 2007

As in Macross, the good guys fly transforming planes, but that's not what this game is about. Planes aside, Scott and his guerilla team wear armour that allows them to pull off an integration with the armoured motorcycles they ride -- the bike's wheels and boosters end up on their backs. It's remarkably badass, and an exciting premise for a 3D shooter. And yet Invasion manages to bollicks it up.
Masters's avatar
Ms. Pac-Man (Xbox 360)

Ms. Pac-Man review (X360)

Reviewed on January 15, 2007

Everything here is represented almost precisely the way you would expect. The center of the screen is taken up by a vertical bar that depicts the action in its original aspect ratio. The edges have artwork that adorned some original cabinets. They’re a nice way to fill the space that otherwise would have existed. The bleeps and beeps you hear as Ms. Pac-Man explores each arena also remain untouched. In short, this is exactly the game you remember and have played a million times.
honestgamer's avatar

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