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Available Reviews
Gals Panic 4 (Arcade)

Gals Panic 4 review (ARC)

Reviewed on April 03, 2007

You might think you know all about this type of game, in which case you’re probably some sort of perverted weirdo, but Gals Panic 4 is actually a big, bouncy departure for the series – and definitely for the better.
sho's avatar
Honeycomb Beat (DS)

Honeycomb Beat review (DS)

Reviewed on April 02, 2007

The game’s real beauty is that it has something for any puzzle game aficionado. If you like to take your time and think things through, the ‘Puzzle’ mode is that perfect blend of frustration and addiction that will keep you locked in its icy, wicked grasp for a very long while. Meanwhile, ten stages of varying speed give ‘Evolution’ mode some definite longevity.
honestgamer's avatar
Wing Island (Wii)

Wing Island review (WII)

Reviewed on April 02, 2007

These promising missions and original game concept could have carried Wing Island a long way. To do that, however, the game must first have somewhere to go. From the start of the fifth mission and by the end of the credits, it was clear that the only place Wing Island would visit is oblivion.
louis_bedigian's avatar
Patriots: A Nation Under Fire (PC)

Patriots: A Nation Under Fire review (PC)

Reviewed on April 02, 2007

The second level (that starts where the first ends, but under the cover of night, suggesting you stood in the same spot for several hours until the sun went down) has you running around putting fires within the base out. Tiny little blazes that the narrative sells like they're about to engulf the Earth in napalm destruction but are no bigger than your average camp fire. If a programmer for this game strolled into your every-day back-yard barbeque situation, they'd declare Armageddon was upon us and promptly dive into the kiddy pool.
EmP's avatar
Rogue Galaxy (PlayStation 2)

Rogue Galaxy review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 01, 2007

For all its ambitions, Rogue Galaxy neither sustains enough interest nor gathers enough courage to break away from being just a great-looking, great-sounding shell of the epic it wants to be.
draqq_zyxx's avatar
Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels (PlayStation)

Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels review (PSX)

Reviewed on March 30, 2007

Better as a general; lacking as a footsoldier.
EmP's avatar
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (SNES)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time review (SNES)

Reviewed on March 30, 2007

Some members of the Foot simply use their fists — others use swords, throwing stars, whips and other weapons. They all look the same, they all seem very stupid and, by about midway through the first stage, they all have worn out their welcome. Every once in a while, a handful of other foes will pop up to add a bit of diversity, but they tend to be followed by another dozen or two Foot fodder.
overdrive's avatar
Lost in Blue 2 (DS)

Lost in Blue 2 review (DS)

Reviewed on March 29, 2007

When you encounter a wild wolf, alligator or tiger, you can dance around attacks and retaliate with quick thrusts from a spear. You can also build furniture, cook mushrooms and go fishing. Really, there’s no shortage of ways to pass the time. The problem is that you mostly don’t have time for them.
honestgamer's avatar
Disney's Meet the Robinsons (Wii)

Disney's Meet the Robinsons review (WII)

Reviewed on March 29, 2007

Then you encounter the second main area, Wilbur’s house. It’s a spacious structure with a garden, a library and even an underground rail system. As you perform mundane chores, you might think you’re just being introduced to the level hub. An hour later, you’ll realize that Wilbur’s house is actually a stage made up of nothing but fetch quests.
honestgamer's avatar
Konami Classics Series: Arcade Hits (DS)

Konami Classics Series: Arcade Hits review (DS)

Reviewed on March 28, 2007

Personal preferences are bound to vary, but it seems like a safe bet that the selection here won’t ultimately do much to please any but the arcade purists that likely already have a few game cabinets set up in their garage. Konami Classics Series: Arcade Hits could have been something truly special with another 15 or so quality offerings, but in its current form it’s just another of those compilations most will choose to avoid.
honestgamer's avatar
Burnout Dominator (PlayStation 2)

Burnout Dominator review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 26, 2007

It’s time to wrap your sweaty mitts around the wheel, clench your teeth, and thread the needle of traffic as you burn your tires down the center line. Blink and you just might find yourself at the wrong end of a five-car pileup.
pup's avatar
Kororinpa: Marble Mania (Wii)

Kororinpa: Marble Mania review (WII)

Reviewed on March 24, 2007

The Wii Remote lets you instantly tilt the playing field in the corresponding direction. Suppose you’re coming up on a fork in the path. Just turning your wrist slightly will cause your marble to roll in the appropriate direction. It’s intuitive in the same way that Super Monkey Ball was, but more instantly accessible thanks to a gentler learning curve.
honestgamer's avatar
Ghost Rider (PlayStation 2)

Ghost Rider review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 23, 2007

Ghost Rider rides a motorcycle, has a skull for a head, wears a leather jacket with spikes, is engulfed in unquenchable hellfire, and makes the corrupt relive their sordid crimes - from their victim’s point of view. That sells itself.
lasthero's avatar
Europa Universalis III (PC)

Europa Universalis III review (PC)

Reviewed on March 22, 2007

Of course, you might instead send spies and find yourself surprised by the fact that you must choose which of several enterprises should serve as the focus for their energy. Most games would simply let you deploy spies and call it good. Europa Universalis III isn’t like that. There’s an insanely deep infrastructure in place that almost always takes things further than other genre titles available, but somehow it’s not that difficult to get a handle on things.
honestgamer's avatar
Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 (Xbox 360)

Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 review (X360)

Reviewed on March 21, 2007

The level of customization is 10 times what I could ever want and there are tournaments and calendars aplenty. There also are more teams than you can shake a stick at (complete with multiple uniform color schemes) and the characters are credibly animated. Any number of things you can imagine, the game does right. There’s really only the one big flaw: it isn’t fun for beginners.
honestgamer's avatar
Lumines Plus (PlayStation 2)

Lumines Plus review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 21, 2007

For those who wonder, the ‘Plus’ in Lumines Plus refers to… nothing I can discern. Mostly, the game plays like the original, right down to the familiar skins and music and puzzles. There must be differences, but they’re nothing immediately noteworthy, not unless you play Lumines so regularly that you have time for little else.
honestgamer's avatar
PDC World Championship Darts (PlayStation 2)

PDC World Championship Darts review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 19, 2007

The conclusion gets stressed early today: PDC World Championship Darts can be a lot of fun, especially when you're playing the highly enjoyable multiplayer offerings. Such pub-friendly dart games like around the world, killer and fives make an appearance as well as customisable legs and sets of 501 (or, should you prefer, 301 or 701). Playing these against the computer can be both fun and intense. Playing these against a friend can whittle an evening away before you know it.
EmP's avatar
Bullet Witch (Xbox 360)

Bullet Witch review (X360)

Reviewed on March 16, 2007

Six stages isn’t much, not when they’re so short. Once you know what you’re doing, you should be able to complete them in less than a half-hour apiece. Only your first attempt will find you taking longer, since you don’t know what you’re supposed to do and where you’re supposed to go.
honestgamer's avatar
Auto Assault (PC)

Auto Assault review (PC)

Reviewed on March 15, 2007

In most MMOs I usually solo 'til I can't solo no more. Since I had such a hefty goal set for myself in AA, however, I decided to team up with other players as much as possible -- not once did this happen. The player base is so low that I never ran into someone else my level who wanted to "convoy."
metalbolt's avatar
Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 (PSP)

Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 review (PSP)

Reviewed on March 09, 2007

There were several occasions where I would shoot the ball, it would smack the goalie right in the head, launch into the air for several seconds, then—finally—he would stick his hands up, in some feeble attempt to block my shot, which he already did with his face
True's avatar

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