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Available Reviews
Rudra no Hihou (SNES)

Rudra no Hihou review (SNES)

Reviewed on September 14, 2007

Rudra no Hihou is a powerful game capable of being one of Squaresoft's best. It'll give you a rare challenge like barely any RPG since has been able to accomplish. It'll give you beautiful graphics, some of the best on the SNES. It'll give you one of the most innovative magic systems ever created. But most of all... It'll give you a hell of a ride from start to finish.
espiga's avatar
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PlayStation 2)

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 14, 2007

Simply put, this game is HUGE — so large that a representation of one of America’s largest cities only takes up one corner of its world. Also in the game are San Fierro (San Francisco), Las Venturas (Las Vegas) and miles upon miles of the surrounding countryside, which is loaded with farms, villages, mountains and even a top-secret military base. And very little space is wasted. During the course of play, Carl will find himself doing either mandatory or optional missions that force him to cover virtually every square inch of this vast realm.
overdrive's avatar
Ikki Tousen: Shining Dragon (PlayStation 2)

Ikki Tousen: Shining Dragon review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

Ikki Tousen: Shining Dragon is a terrible game about a bunch of DD-cup ladies running around beating people up, and it doesn't even do a decent job of showing off their DD cups. If you're looking for a decent import brawler, I suggest you buy Berserk instead.
zigfried's avatar
Ikki Tousen: Ikki Tochi! (PlayStation 2)

Ikki Tousen: Ikki Tochi! review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

This game which takes 20 seconds to load, this game which occupies the same amount of space as Panzer Dragoon Zwei or Guardian Heroes, is shorter, more frustrating, and less entertaining than similar titles on the NES or Atari 2600.
zigfried's avatar
Final Fantasy II (PSP)

Final Fantasy II review (PSP)

Reviewed on September 11, 2007

You plan in most games to survive, and that's interesting. In Final Fantasy II, you do it because you want to beef up your weak ice spell instead of your ax. There's no sense of urgency and that gets tedious. You'll dread running into enemies not because you can't beat them quickly—you can—but because doing so locks you into undesired character progression.
honestgamer's avatar
Might and Magic (Turbografx-CD)

Might and Magic review (TGCD)

Reviewed on September 08, 2007

Might and Magic is an easy game to recommend, but not in this particular format. NEC clearly wanted to expand on the game's main storyline, they clearly wanted to infuse the epic gameplay with a presentation to match, but — either through lack of time or lack of competence — the cinematics come across as laughable bookends rather than meaningful additions.
zigfried's avatar
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GameCube)

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance review (GCN)

Reviewed on September 07, 2007

Imagine how difficult Ike's very own journey would become should he lose his dear sister Mist in the thick of a heated battle. It's a feeling that becomes negligible with a reset, but without it, it adds to the gameplay as a whole, thanks to the excellent character development that makes every actor in this grand play lovable.
espiga's avatar
Red Faction II (PlayStation 2)

Red Faction II review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 07, 2007

Without a doubt, Red Faction II is one of the PS2’s most prized first-person shooters, and the plot is only one piece of a memorable experience. The pursuit of the fleeing Sopot will take Alias through government high-rises, into the streets, fortified military bases, and face to face with hundreds of the Commonwealth’s forces.
pup's avatar
The Final Fantasy Legend (Game Boy)

The Final Fantasy Legend review (GB)

Reviewed on September 07, 2007

For example, in the very first world, all a player has to do is go to three castles and get a specific item from each king to open the next few floors of the tower for exploration. One king gladly does so if the party kills a local bandit living in a tiny cave. Another fights the party for his treasure in what could be considered a mini-boss fight. The third is assassinated, leaving the party to slaughter the weak usurper and claim the third item. All of this could be done in 15 minutes — if I hadn’t had to spend a good hour or so fighting monsters to earn money for equipment and to build up my humans.
overdrive's avatar
Saga Frontier (PlayStation)

Saga Frontier review (PSX)

Reviewed on September 06, 2007

So, even though I only had to do all this “magic collecting” once, I wound up choosing to do it with the majority of the other characters. That got boring pretty quickly, as the hunts for mystical runes and tarot cards are the same regardless of who is doing them.
overdrive's avatar
Loki: Heroes of Mythology (PC)

Loki: Heroes of Mythology review (PC)

Reviewed on September 01, 2007

This isn't a particularly original title, but the level of craftsmanship in its components makes it something more than just another hack & slash RPG. Somewhere down the line, Loki cast away the clichés of its genre and became a work of art.
lisanne's avatar
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 (Xbox 360)

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 review (X360)

Reviewed on August 31, 2007

In one section of the career mode, it even made it look like Bobby Lashley had an ounce of charisma! You know technology has advanced when it achieves the impossible.
EmP's avatar
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (PlayStation 2)

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 29, 2007

You might think that tossing 23 playable heroes, dozens of villains, and countless recognizable characters into the same game would be fan-service enough, but some people don’t know when to quit.
pup's avatar
The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion (PSP)

The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion review (PSP)

Reviewed on August 29, 2007

Throughout the course of the 30+ hour adventure, Avin and Mile will come across countless scenarios of people in need of bonding, just like they once were. While Avin and his newfound friend set out in what appears to be a typical turn-based RPG at first glance, the amazing attention to detail is what truly sets this apart from the others.
espiga's avatar
Sam & Max: Season One (PC)

Sam & Max: Season One review (PC)

Reviewed on August 29, 2007

While their looks and sounds have been updated, both Sam and Max retain all the personality they boasted in 1993. Deadpan and noir-inspired Sam is the canine shamus with a love for Bogart-like wordplay and overloaded sentences, while Max, the psychotic shark-toothed rabbity-thing, revisits his role as the hyperkinetic, deranged sidekick. They thrive in a familiar setting, too; each of the six episodes has the expected smattering of insanity, mindless violence and laugh-out-loud moments housed within a simple and accessible point-and-click interface.
EmP's avatar
Taito Legends 2 (PlayStation 2)

Taito Legends 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 28, 2007

Unless you lived in arcades 20 years ago, you probably won't even remember half the stuff you find here. You're thus denied even the value that nostalgia might lend each selection. Taken on their own terms, most titles you'll find here are trumped by the free Flash games you can find all over the Internet.
honestgamer's avatar
Falling Stars (PC)

Falling Stars review (PC)

Reviewed on August 24, 2007

Initially you'd be forgiven for thinking that the mechanics of gameplay are rather intricate, but this really isn't the case. The story's a standard good versus evil affair, and the in-game dress-up option is nothing beyond an annoyance.
lisanne's avatar
Espgaluda (PlayStation 2)

Espgaluda review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 22, 2007

Cave's hyperactive shooter Espgaluda lets you soar through the Middle Eastern sky on wings of psychic light, weaving tapestries of carnage with threads of deadly energy. The quest for vengeance is both challenging and beautiful.
zigfried's avatar
Revelations: Persona (PlayStation)

Revelations: Persona review (PSX)

Reviewed on August 22, 2007

For example, jokester Masao Inaba, complete with Asian skin tone, playful freckles, and pseudo-jester hat, did not make the cut. Instead, he’s overwritten by Mark. Mark, the token black kid akin to Billy Dee William’s role in Star Wars without a smattering of the charisma, wears a funky red baseball cap, speaks fly street talk, yo, and has a mad crush on the white chick. He’s also armed with hip-hop moves: to try to tempt enemy demons over to the side of good, Mark will dance sexy at them upon command. Inaba wasn’t hip: he was artistic, offbeat and unique. For this, he was to die.
EmP's avatar
Hydlide (NES)

Hydlide review (NES)

Reviewed on August 22, 2007

While this place is guarded by a seemingly immortal dragon, that’s of little concern to Jim, as all this beast does is go back and forth aimlessly. If Jim’s not directly in its never-changing path, it ignores him. Apparently Varalys doesn’t pay his employees enough for them to give a damn. I (typing this at work) can relate.
overdrive's avatar

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