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Available Reviews
Final Fantasy XIII (PlayStation 3)

Final Fantasy XIII review (PS3)

Reviewed on March 20, 2010

The multi-faceted nature of combat means that in Final Fantasy XIII, nearly every battle is a fresh adventure. That's not evident in the first few hours, where you're still learning new techniques and simply mashing the 'X' button allows you to slaughter most enemies that you encounter. The dynamic changes abruptly once you've been playing for a few hours, however, and you're suddenly going up against monsters so powerful that they can smash tanks, or you're fighting so many at once that they can overwhelm you almost before the fight begins unless you truly understand how to get the most out of your party members.
honestgamer's avatar
Greed Corp (Xbox 360)

Greed Corp review (X360)

Reviewed on March 20, 2010

Once you have mastered the basics of the game and can minimise the number of wrong button presses, Greed Corp is a solid, if unspectacular, strategy title at 800MSP.
freelancer's avatar
God of War III (PlayStation 3)

God of War III review (PS3)

Reviewed on March 18, 2010

With grandiose symphony and fiery passion, Sony's declaration is clear: this is an epic the likes of which the world may never see again. The game's opening moments plunge this brazen ambition into the hearts of those who've forgotten such fanciful dreams. A host of titans wage war against the gods of Olympus, and the chaotic path along which players guide Kratos is truly unnerving. The ground itself shakes, for that ground is the back of the titan Gaia. Parasitic serpents burst from Gaia's flesh to bar the Spartan's path; when the titan of Earth stumbles from the pain, Kratos hangs precariously with one hand but still must fight. His soul is only at peace during battle.
zigfried's avatar
Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 5 - Rise of the Pirate God (PC)

Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 5 - Rise of the Pirate God review (PC)

Reviewed on March 17, 2010

It's not a classic. It's still a game whose intricacies are likely to be forgotten within months. It's probably not even the best of the series, all considered. What it does have, though, is Tales' strongest moment, across all of the games.
Lewis's avatar
Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga (Wii)

Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga review (WII)

Reviewed on March 16, 2010

It's unfortunate, too, because underneath all the crap lies the framework for what could be a very good game. You have your typical classes such as fighter, mage, and priest, who each have their own experience levels. You're free to change your class whenever you wish by heading to the guild and paying a fee. Each time your chosen class gains a level, you get skill points that you can distribute among different abilities that class posseses. Once you know a skill, you're able to set it in one of several slots, regardless of class. It goes without saying that this system allows you to customize your character in a variety of ways, and once you begin to unlock some of the more advanced classes like samurai and godhand, your ability to customize will only increase.
espiga's avatar
The Legend of Vraz (PC)

The Legend of Vraz review (PC)

Reviewed on March 15, 2010

In its present form, the game merely comes across as an unnecessary mess of well-intentioned ideas made only slightly more amusing by the vague cultural undertones from India.
Calvin's avatar
Data East Arcade Classics (Wii)

Data East Arcade Classics review (WII)

Reviewed on March 09, 2010

Menu and presentation issues don't end with ridiculous button configurations, either. You'll see a lot of menus as you decide what game to play, both when the game first starts up and then when you select the one that you actually want to play. Load times are surprisingly lengthy, especially given the size that some of the included games surely occupy on the disc or anywhere else. The whole experience is surprisingly awkward every step of the way. That prevents the collection from being the joy that it might have been.
honestgamer's avatar
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing (PlayStation 3)

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing review (PS3)

Reviewed on March 04, 2010

Tracks are more than eye candy. You'll find compelling venues that accommodate an absolutely essential drift system. Your opponents will generally spend more time drifting and boosting than they do driving in a straight line. When you try to mimic their vehicular wizardry, you'll realize just how ingeniously the environments were developed. Ramps, fences, wide bends and hairpin turns mean that the fastest way through nearly any situation is to slide into an expert drift, then use the resulting energy to boost through a curve or over a ramp... where it's possible to launch into acrobatics that charge you up for a new boost once your wheels touch the ground.
honestgamer's avatar
Metal Slug XX (PSP)

Metal Slug XX review (PSP)

Reviewed on February 28, 2010

Metal Slug XX is a remake of the DS's Metal Slug 7. After playing the new version, I don't think I can go back. The cartoony visuals have been expanded to a proper resolution, showing off the same zany antics we've watched for 14 years. Two-player simultaneous action has been added, creating a cooperative experience we've enjoyed since 1996. And it's still impossible to aim diagonally.
zigfried's avatar
Ninja Blade (PC)

Ninja Blade review (PC)

Reviewed on February 28, 2010

darketernal's avatar
Enemy Zero (Saturn)

Enemy Zero review (SAT)

Reviewed on February 28, 2010

I'm going to tell you about an obscure survival horror game. The name of this obscure survival horror game is Enemy Zero and it stars Laura from D's Diner . . . but it doesn't star Laura the character, it stars Laura the actress, because game designer Kenji Eno was an avant-garde madman who wanted to turn CG models into small-screen starlets.
zigfried's avatar
Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo (SNES)

Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo review (SNES)

Reviewed on February 26, 2010

Other than that, in Monshou no Nazo, there's a certain generic feel to characters. Some guys are faster and get critical hits more often. Others ride horses (which they must dismount to participate in castle levels), so they can cover terrain more quickly. A few more either use bows, can unlock doors and chests or have superior defense at the cost of inferior speed. Overall, most of them tend to mesh together into a big glob of the mundane.
overdrive's avatar
Endless Ocean: Blue World (Wii)

Endless Ocean: Blue World review (WII)

Reviewed on February 26, 2010

Naturally, diving is what prevents Blue World from feeling much like "just another game." The waters of the world's most memorable bodies of water teem with life and play host to everything from seals to gray whales to eels to jellyfish. In most instances, you're able to move in close for an investigation and you can watch as shy fish retreat into their holes or hungry sharks circle in murkier waters as they make meal plans. The various residents of this liquid world seem apathetic about your presence. You're a novelty at best, hardly worthy of their attention because you mean them no harm.
honestgamer's avatar
Syberia II (PC)

Syberia II review (PC)

Reviewed on February 24, 2010

The game, as a whole, stutters and limps along, seemingly existing only to tie up to loose ends of the first game. When an impossible chasm separates Kate from her clockwork train, a character from the last game literally drops out of the sky and offers her a steaming hot cup of deus ex machina. Though it’s prettied up with the stellar graphics and adequate writing, Syberia II is a game lacking in total ambition.
EmP's avatar
Aliens vs Predator (PlayStation 3)

Aliens vs Predator review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 23, 2010

There was a haphazard tension in the original Aliens Versus Predator that kept players constantly moving through the maze-like levels the game forced them into. Hitting a dead end in those mazes with H.R. Geiger’s nightmarish rape-monsters only a few feet behind was cause for me to shut off the original game more than once. That's gone here.
zippdementia's avatar
Heavy Rain (PlayStation 3)

Heavy Rain review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 17, 2010

Most of the scenes make good sense and do a nice job of either building tension or adding depth to the characters, but there are instances where something will happen and it feels like the developers are just pandering to my testosterone. Example: characters Ethan Mars and the ever-so-sexy Madison Paige are sitting on the floor in a seedy hotel room. Ethan tells Madison that the only thing he cares about right now is finding his son. Madison responds by leaning in for a passionate kiss. The moment is supposed to be dramatic, I assume, but the timing is so ridiculously absurd that I can't help but think that it was included simply so the player has another chance to admire Madison's svelte physique as the distraught Ethan experiences carnal pleasure.
honestgamer's avatar
Batman: Arkham Asylum (PlayStation 3)

Batman: Arkham Asylum review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 17, 2010

t's safe to say that Arkham Asylum is carried by the Joker. He isn't just your main adversary — his presence is EVERYWHERE. Due to all the monitors and stuff that's part of Arkham's security system, you'll see his face and listen to his taunts everywhere you visit. If he's not verbally ripping common thugs a new one for their inability to take you out, he'll be cackling over the next deathtrap that's been placed between you and him.
overdrive's avatar
Shiren the Wanderer (Wii)

Shiren the Wanderer review (WII)

Reviewed on February 16, 2010

As you press on through one dungeon after another, you'll find yourself caught up in a charming storyline that delves into not only into Shiren's past, but the history of the small village that he's chosen as his base of operations. Taken at face value, the story seems almost painfully simple: Shiren's goal is to find the shape-shifting Karakuri Mansion of legend, and of course the great treasures that it holds inside.
espiga's avatar
Twin Blades: The Reaping Vanguard (Xbox 360)

Twin Blades: The Reaping Vanguard review (X360)

Reviewed on February 14, 2010

While it’s far from the worst game available on the indie marketplace, Twin Blades is still too hollow to recommend a purchase.
jpeeples's avatar
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (DS)

Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel review (DS)

Reviewed on February 14, 2010

What The Squeakquel brings to the table is nothing new; we've all seen rhythm games in the past in the form of games such as Rock Band, Guitar Hero and even Dance Dance Revolution. Alvin's latest outing comes closest to the last of those three and consists of gameplay where the player must do nothing more than use the stylus to match on-screen arrows, but that's where the similarities between the two titles end.
peterl90's avatar

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