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Available Reviews
Top Gun (PlayStation 3)

Top Gun review (PS3)

Reviewed on September 11, 2010

It would be completely fair to suggest that there are worse flight sims available than the newest reiteration of Top Gun, but it would be foolish not to then consider just how many are better.
EmP's avatar
Broken Sword: Director's Cut (PC)

Broken Sword: Director's Cut review (PC)

Reviewed on September 09, 2010

It’s almost like Revolution have silently admitted the world is getting dumber, and wanted to baby a new generation along whilst they used to be content with challenging them.
EmP's avatar
Cho Aniki (Turbografx-CD)

Cho Aniki review (TGCD)

Reviewed on September 08, 2010

Ever since composer Koji Hayama played the drums for classmates at a school festival, his dream was to "be famous". Cho Aniki's serendipitous success made his dream come true. When the Japanese speak of culturally significant videogames, they speak of Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and Cho Aniki.
zigfried's avatar
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol. 3: Akira Yuki (Saturn)

Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol. 3: Akira Yuki review (SAT)

Reviewed on September 06, 2010

Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol. 3 is a tale about one warrior versus mother nature. A non-interactive, grainy tale that’s over in five minutes. Pity poor Akira’s plight, but don’t line the pockets of those who wish to profit from it with shoddy Saturn imports!
EmP's avatar
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (Xbox 360)

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days review (X360)

Reviewed on September 05, 2010

Bullets rarely feel as if they’re making proper contact, and aiming serves little purpose other than to give the illusion of accuracy. In an attempt to make the game seem a little more realistic, weapons have been “handicapped,” if you will, to maintain the illusion that these are still two men on the run, testosterone and adrenaline fueling their every move. It doesn’t work, and as a result the game feels artificially lengthened by frustrating firefights and enemies who take more punishment than your controller while playing this game.
MolotovCupcake's avatar
Sam & Max: The City That Dares Not Sleep (PC)

Sam & Max: The City That Dares Not Sleep review (PC)

Reviewed on September 04, 2010

Season Three follows this trend by not only being a more adventuresome series of bite-sized quests than those that precede it, but by spit-roasting the results over a curiously potent combination of insanity, Twilight Zone-esque noir and a healthy foundation of self deprecation.
EmP's avatar
Download 2 (Turbografx-CD)

Download 2 review (TGCD)

Reviewed on September 02, 2010

"Cyberpunk isn’t just a genre -- it’s a mindset. It’s a mindset that knows it’s beneath the thumb of corporate greed, but tries to dig itself out anyway. It’s a mindset that sneers at the shallow mainstreamers who swallow the recycled maxims of pseudo-intellectualism."
zigfried's avatar
Halo 3: ODST (Xbox 360)

Halo 3: ODST review (X360)

Reviewed on August 31, 2010

It’s an adventuresome idea, but not one that works completely. ODST is, before anything else, largely competent and achieves most of what it sets out to do. The Halo lore is still very much intact, but the insertion of a new protagonist gives the game a new sheen: one of vulnerability.
EmP's avatar
Star Ruler (PC)

Star Ruler review (PC)

Reviewed on August 27, 2010

Star Ruler has the scope, devotion, and solid base to do great things and go great distances. Keep watch for something amazing.
BLAH_Or_blah's avatar
Heartwork (PC)

Heartwork review (PC)

Reviewed on August 26, 2010

He could still end up in a compromising position with a cold steel barrel up his butt. I consider it fitting payback for his other transgressions. Heartwork considers it the ultimate orgasm.
woodhouse's avatar
The Longest Journey (PC)

The Longest Journey review (PC)

Reviewed on August 25, 2010

The Longest Journey isn't perfect, but in that imperfection lies something hugely special: something so magical, and so human. It isn't the best adventure game I've ever played, but it is the one I adore the most.
Lewis's avatar
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (PC)

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days review (PC)

Reviewed on August 23, 2010

So we get a corridor shooter with a bunch of set pieces. These will do in a bind. The early bits are the best, on the crowded streets of Shanghai, chasing a pantless couple, or pinned down by the cops in a video rental store, or gunfire shredding the flimsy wooden panels of a gaudy restaurant, or threading through a stretch of jammed chaotic freeway. Expect a lot of filler between these cool bits, usually in a warehouse or parking garage or something.
tomchick's avatar
Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage (PlayStation 3)

Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage review (PS3)

Reviewed on August 21, 2010

Hokuto Musou -- coming to the West as Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage -- is a proper sequel. Since this is a Musou game, I expected it to play like a Musou game. It often doesn't. Instead of presenting a series of sprawling warzones, the game gives us straightforward levels; simplistic obstacles must be passed, traps must be avoided, and switches must be flipped. Koei has built a world that's out to get noble Kenshiro -- they've built a world in the spirit of Hokuto.
zigfried's avatar
Madden NFL 11 (Wii)

Madden NFL 11 review (WII)

Reviewed on August 16, 2010

All of these choices reinforce your self-image, plus they present more challenges than simply winning games and piling up stats. There are many ways in which the Wii version of Madden can't ever compete with its HD counterparts, but these changes to Franchise Mode define it as a desirable parallel.
woodhouse's avatar
Worms (Xbox 360)

Worms review (X360)

Reviewed on August 16, 2010

Team 17 once did their level best to jump the shark, but, as seems to be the trend these days, have established a series reboot, travelled right back to their humble beginnings and rediscovered the magic all over again.
EmP's avatar
Clash of the Titans (Xbox 360)

Clash of the Titans review (X360)

Reviewed on August 13, 2010

Early in the game, after Hades has threatened the royal family of Argos, Perseus has to prove he's worthy to champion their cause. No big deal...until you realize that the other royal soldiers have a seemingly endless list of tasks that get repetitive in a hurry. You'll be running around the city killing monsters, then you'll be trying to outperform a pair of guards at monster-slaying in a set amount of time, then you'll be fighting off five or six guards in the arena...and then you'll be doing it all again, but with different monsters and guards. After enough of this, being told to find a fish for a hungry comrade seems exciting.
overdrive's avatar
NCAA Football 11 (PlayStation 3)

NCAA Football 11 review (PS3)

Reviewed on August 12, 2010

Despite its many improvements, NCAA Football won’t be able to overtake the Madden franchise anytime soon. But as far as alternatives go – whether based in the college division or some fictional realm where late hits are encouraged – you can’t do much better than NCAA Football 11.
louis_bedigian's avatar
Crackdown 2 (Xbox 360)

Crackdown 2 review (X360)

Reviewed on August 12, 2010

It’s easy for a fan of the original to complain about the rehashed content, which includes the same city, many of the same objectives, and a cornucopia of collectibles. But what if you’re in the group of gamers who didn’t like the original and were hoping for something more? In that case, you are doubly screwed.
louis_bedigian's avatar
Gratuitous Space Battles (PC)

Gratuitous Space Battles review (PC)

Reviewed on August 12, 2010

Gratuitious Space Battles is a sort of turn-based strategy game, except it’s not really turn-based as such. As in, there’s only one turn per game. On the surface, you arrange your fleet of spaceships then send them into battle against an enemy fleet. In single-player this means battling through a plotless series of individual skirmishes. Online it means downloading challenges other players have set up, and trying to defeat their submitted fleet. There's no direct contact with your opponents, except that you're given the chance to leave them a message after the fight's over.
Lewis's avatar
Clover: A Curious Tale (PC)

Clover: A Curious Tale review (PC)

Reviewed on August 09, 2010

Clover wraps itself up in uniqueness: its hand-drawn presentation initially promise a light and cheery game, then it forces you to peek into the shadows and, by the time you reach the ultimately sobering conclusion, you’ve found the murky darkness has suck up around you. You’re drowning in it. And there’s no longer anything you can do but despair.
EmP's avatar

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