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Available Reviews
Dragon Wars (Apple II)

Dragon Wars review (APP2)

Reviewed on February 06, 2012

Bard's Tale IV never came--in name, anyway. It took a couple times through Dragon Wars (DW) for me to see I'd found something as good.
aschultz's avatar
SoulCalibur V (PlayStation 3)

SoulCalibur V review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 06, 2012

It’s got a lot of great ideas, but ultimately falls short of its potential.
disco's avatar
F-Zero GX (GameCube)

F-Zero GX review (GCN)

Reviewed on February 05, 2012

F-Zero GX is an extreme game. Extremely difficult, extremely gorgeous, extremely fast, extremely deep roster, extremely bad voice acting, and extremely fun.
nickyv917's avatar
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (GameCube)

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door review (GCN)

Reviewed on February 02, 2012

The first Paper Mario was an unexpected gem released at the end of the Nintendo 64 lifespan. And the third installment felt less like an RPG, and more like yet another Mario platformer. But, to this day, I still hold the second game in the series, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door as one of the best games ever.
nickyv917's avatar
Pokemon Snap (Nintendo 64)

Pokemon Snap review (N64)

Reviewed on January 28, 2012

I watched the TV series, I got the games, I collected the cards, I played with the toys, I read the books, and I went to see the movies. (The first movie is still one of the only movies that ever made me cry, and DON'T PRETEND LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT.) And even though I missed out on Hey You, Pikachu (oh dear?), I was able to get the other non-RPG N64 Pokémon game, Pokémon Snap.
nickyv917's avatar
Final Fantasy X-2 (PlayStation 2)

Final Fantasy X-2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 28, 2012

Having finally played and completed Final Fantasy X-2 after all these years, I find that it is neither as bad as its detractors have painted it, nor is it as good as its fanbase says it is. It's not as good as its predecessor, but it's far from being the worst entry in the series, as some would have you believe.
SkylerBunderson's avatar
Eternal Eyes (PlayStation)

Eternal Eyes review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 28, 2012

One could make the argument that the game accomplished what it set out to do in providing a generic, affordable title. Eternal Eyes's issue isn't that it didn't succeed at what it attempted to do, but that it set its standards way too low. No one aspires to be an average singer, a mediocre actor, or a ho-hum painter with the cost of little training or devotion. Even at a discounted price, no one wants mediocrity.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Kirby Air Ride (GameCube)

Kirby Air Ride review (GCN)

Reviewed on January 26, 2012

How many games do you know of that an experienced, early-20s gamer and his 6-year old step-nephew can both enjoy at the same time? Not many, but one that pulls this off masterfully is 2003's Kirby Air Ride...
nickyv917's avatar
Rotastic (Xbox 360)

Rotastic review (X360)

Reviewed on January 23, 2012

It's not until you reach the 40s where Rotastic starts presenting some truly tough and frustrating levels. Scenarios within each level change the structure of the map as jewels are collected, blocks broken, and switches pressed. A typical example starts a level off very open and simple, only to turn into a nightmare as walls are moved in, cannons placed in the most irritable locations, and saws, rotating saws, are positioned right beside rows of jewels.
dementedhut's avatar
Halo: Combat Evolved - Anniversary (Xbox 360)

Halo: Combat Evolved - Anniversary review (X360)

Reviewed on January 22, 2012

Anniversary is a remake in the visual department only, and the enhancements actually make Halo a worse overall game. You can avoid this by switching over to Classic Mode, but then you might as well just save yourself a healthy chunk of money and download the original game off XBLA, unless you think it’s worth paying nearly three times the price for widescreen support.
Suskie's avatar
Astyanax (NES)

Astyanax review (NES)

Reviewed on January 22, 2012

[Astyanax] may not stand above such brethren as Ninja Gaiden or Castlevania, but it sure beats out other rough awesome-wanna-bes like Castle of Dragon and Frankenstein: The Monster Returns. Astyanax doesn't suck up or beg for your love and respect; it commands it with a stiff punch that will break your jaw in six different places.... and you'll like it.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Eternal Dagger (Apple II)

Eternal Dagger review (APP2)

Reviewed on January 21, 2012

The too-short Wizard's Crown series from Strategic Simulations, Inc. had a simple solution: quick combat where the computer ran everything and flashed text of your party's health every second. It left time for the actual story and exploration.
aschultz's avatar
Tobal No. 1 (PlayStation)

Tobal No. 1 review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 21, 2012

I know people have made this sort of statement before, particularly regarding Zone of the Enders, but it felt more like a $40 FFVII demo that came with a free fighting game. Not a great one at that.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Rayman Origins (Xbox 360)

Rayman Origins review (X360)

Reviewed on January 17, 2012

Taken as a counterweight to the flood of steely grey shooters littering the market, Origins is weaponized bliss. It’s also freakishly difficult, and that’s where Ancel and I have our differences.
Suskie's avatar
Power Blazer (NES)

Power Blazer review (NES)

Reviewed on January 15, 2012

If the comparisons between Power Blade and Mega Man are hard to see, then Power Blazer makes them painfully obvious: you control a small, chubby fellow that dons a blue helmet, and unlike his remixed, muscled brother, this guy can only attack in two directions, left and right.
dementedhut's avatar
And Yet It Moves (Wii)

And Yet It Moves review (WII)

Reviewed on January 14, 2012

As you can guess, the game eventually becomes a tedious montage of screen-turning, causing the gimmick to overstay its welcome. It might not turned out so had the developers at Broken Rules added some new scenarios rather than recycling familiar ones, or even introduced other abilities than the same old song repeatedly.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Power Blade (NES)

Power Blade review (NES)

Reviewed on January 11, 2012

Beyond here, you'll take the Schwarzenegger-type avatar and pull him through a series of platform areas filled with cybernetic enemies with varying attack patterns, ranging from airborne robots to giant, bearded faces attached to walls that spit bubbles. Yes, such an enemy exists. And this is all done with the aid of a... boomerang?
dementedhut's avatar
Othello (NES)

Othello review (NES)

Reviewed on January 09, 2012

I was able to game early chess computers pretty easily by locking up the pawns and then watching them flail. That made me feel smart. Othello was the computer's revenge.
aschultz's avatar
X-Men: Destiny (Xbox 360)

X-Men: Destiny review (X360)

Reviewed on January 08, 2012

A month after X-Men: Destiny was released, it was reported that developer Silicon Knights was forced to lay off 45 of its employees, at least half of its workforce. Now that I’ve actually played the game, I must ask: Only 45?
Suskie's avatar
Scarface: The World is Yours (PlayStation 2)

Scarface: The World is Yours review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 07, 2012

Adding difficulty is important to any game, but turning up the frustration factor too high with little payoff can cause anyone to burn out. With little variety, there's little to help cool the tension. You'll either tough out the frustration or spend your time on something more worthwhile. Either that, or you'll just play Scarface again and pretend it ends after you've secured the first half of Miami.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar

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