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Available Reviews

Ys II review (NES)

Reviewed on March 16, 2012

Most of the time, it only takes a couple of levels to crush your enemies. Sure, you might be throwing grapes at elephants for how little damage you do, but you'll never get hurt – even head-on – as long as you constantly press forward. Eventually you'll be able to annihilate them with just a few choice blows.
wolfqueen001's avatar
Braid (PC)

Braid review (PC)

Reviewed on March 15, 2012

What impressed me the most was the willingness the developers showed to craft such an entertaining and challenging title despite placing the lion's share of the emphasis on the metaphoric story. Strip away the plot and we're left with an addictive puzzle/platformer.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
The 3rd Birthday (PSP)

The 3rd Birthday review (PSP)

Reviewed on March 15, 2012

This basic sequence of the shooter genome has been in place for a while now, and perhaps that’s enough for some people. But no one puts Aya Brea in a new game without tweaking a little DNA.
bbbmoney's avatar
F1 2011 (Vita)

F1 2011 review (VITA)

Reviewed on March 14, 2012

The Vita has by far the best handheld version of F1 2011, but it could have equalled the home console version with a little more lending to the systems strengths.
Dr_Worm's avatar
Final Fight: Streetwise (Xbox)

Final Fight: Streetwise review (XBX)

Reviewed on March 11, 2012

For me, though, there's one particularly insane, earth-shattering scene that sums up all the wrong things about Final Fight: Streetwise. I would like to note this happens AFTER you defeat a monster that attacks with electricity and replenishes health by eating mutant rats.
dementedhut's avatar
Mole Mania (Game Boy)

Mole Mania review (GB)

Reviewed on March 10, 2012

After getting frustrated with one level where I made a dumb mistake, I walked around to take my mind off the game. I started whistling a tune, and I realized it was one from the game itself. I sat back down and got it right.
aschultz's avatar
Flotilla (Xbox 360)

Flotilla review (X360)

Reviewed on March 09, 2012

I want you to understand just how inept a tactician I am so that you’ll understand the magnitude of my meaning when I say Flotilla makes me feel like I’m in Ender's Game. You won’t spend all day playing it, but you might find you come back every few weeks for a new adventure, and to kick a smug deer’s ass one more time.
SamildanachEmrys's avatar
Xardion (SNES)

Xardion review (SNES)

Reviewed on March 06, 2012

Its shortness is its strength, and there's no chance of getting bored since each stage only consists of a few screens. However, that's also its weakness, and it's a shame they didn't make more use of the three characters, or introduce some navigational challenge.
threetimes's avatar
Syndicate (2012) (PC)

Syndicate (2012) review (PC)

Reviewed on March 05, 2012

When all is said and done, one can' t feel but disappointed with Syndicate. It tried to do a lot of things, and for that congratulations are in order, but in most things it tries, it fails.
darketernal's avatar
Virtua Athlete 2000 (Dreamcast)

Virtua Athlete 2000 review (DC)

Reviewed on March 04, 2012

Sega's other track and field title for the Dreamcast, Virtua Athlete 2000, rarely gets a mention because of its under-the-radar release, so not a whole lot of players remember or even know of its existence. Hell, Sega didn't even publish the game in North America, despite the allure of being developed by the same team that created the then-hot Virtua Tennis. However, it was snatched up by Agetec, a publisher who was known at the time for releasing niche titles no one else would touch.
dementedhut's avatar
Resident Evil 4 HD (Xbox 360)

Resident Evil 4 HD review (X360)

Reviewed on March 03, 2012

I didn’t die all that much during my playthrough of RE4, yet I constantly – constantly – felt like I was within an inch of my death, scraping for ammo, thrust into overwhelming situations that I was ill-equipped to handle. RE4 is a game that unyieldingly makes you feel helpless when you never are.
Suskie's avatar
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer (PC)

Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer review (PC)

Reviewed on March 03, 2012

Mask of the Betrayer is a relatively short but sweet experience that, through its gameplay innovations and flawless writing, injects new life into the very framework of Neverwinter Nights 2 which, in turn, was such an improvement over NWN1.
andgregorik's avatar
The Curse of Monkey Island (PC)

The Curse of Monkey Island review (PC)

Reviewed on March 03, 2012

Aimed squarely at prospective new fans who were probably still preteens during the run of the original Monkey Island games, Monkey Island 3 is an OK if unremarkable adventure game when taken strictly in isolation. It looks well, plays well and sounds great. But it's not a proper Monkey Island entry.
andgregorik's avatar
Banana (NES)

Banana review (NES)

Reviewed on March 02, 2012

Imagine Boulderdash, but instead of collecting goodies and shooting enemies, your character is hoarding for the winter and finding his wife and, occasionally, a new son.
aschultz's avatar
Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir (PC)

Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir review (PC)

Reviewed on February 29, 2012

Storm of Zehir catches us off guard because most of us approach it as "just another small scale NWN add-on". It does start off like that, but soon it blossoms into an epic experience that is only comparable to the most ambitious role playing games of recent times. And even that description fails to do it justice as essentially it's three games rolled in one.
andgregorik's avatar
BloodNet: A Cyberpunk Gothic (PC)

BloodNet: A Cyberpunk Gothic review (PC)

Reviewed on February 29, 2012

Bloodnet is not a good game. It feels static and almost non-interactive. It is, however, a good experience. So good that it ended up as one of the very few games from the early 90's that I actively revisit from time to time. The ultimate praise I can give the game, I think, is that it is a spiritual and atmospheric precursor to the Deus Ex series and VTM: Bloodlines.
andgregorik's avatar
Urban Chaos: Riot Response (Xbox)

Urban Chaos: Riot Response review (XBX)

Reviewed on February 29, 2012

Rocksteady Studios takes the concept of a city under siege and runs with it, no apologizes included. This first-person shooter is a pure action title all the way, providing a nearly non-stop, hot-blooded, M rated adrenaline rush from start to finish.
dementedhut's avatar
Incredible Crisis (PlayStation)

Incredible Crisis review (PSX)

Reviewed on February 29, 2012

Incredible Crisis seeks to challenge, but not utterly destroy you. The stressful scenes are few and far between, and the zany story and intense mini-games are enough to stave off the usual bout of high blood pressure that most challenging titles conjure. It would rather see you snickering while wearing your best WTF face. What else would a game featuring giant possessed teddy bears, bank robbers dressed up like wolves, a shrinking chubby kid, and oodles of film references expect of you...
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Twisted Metal (PlayStation 3)

Twisted Metal review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 28, 2012

Twisted Metal: PS3 is the kind of game that you'll know whether you'll like long before you play it. In fact, right now, you probably already have an idea of whether or not it's the game for you. The reasons for this are simple: Twisted Metal knows what it's about and it focuses on doing that one thing really well. Therefore, if you like vehicular arena battles, you'll like- or quite possibly love- Twisted Metal.
zippdementia's avatar
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND (PlayStation 3)

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 27, 2012

Extend might not be original, but it is built upon the best.
disco's avatar

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