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Available Reviews
Double Dragon (NES)

Double Dragon review (NES)

Reviewed on January 20, 2013

For a game I haven't played that much during childhood, Double Dragon for the NES is a title whose details I can still remember vividly to this day without a problem.
dementedhut's avatar
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PlayStation)

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night review (PSX)

Reviewed on January 20, 2013

I cherish so many facets of this game that even its minor flaws--which are heavily overshadowed its stellar exploration elements, strong atmosphere, breathtaking visuals, and fantastic soundtrack--occupy a special place in my heart.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Phantasy Star II (Genesis)

Phantasy Star II review (GEN)

Reviewed on January 15, 2013

This game will break your heart just as much as the hearts of the characters in this game will break…
maboroshi's avatar
Sonic Generations (PC)

Sonic Generations review (PC)

Reviewed on January 07, 2013

Generations is almost like two games tied by the storyline, but if a less pedantic way of implementing both of these can be found, then the blue hedgehog has a bright future ahead. For now, this is the return that Sonic needed.
bigcj34's avatar
Heavy Shreddin' (NES)

Heavy Shreddin' review (NES)

Reviewed on January 02, 2013

A snowboarding game on the NES, you think it wouldn't be complicated, what with the goal involving going down hills.
dementedhut's avatar
Final Fantasy XIII (PlayStation 3)

Final Fantasy XIII review (PS3)

Reviewed on January 01, 2013

Final Fantasy XIII stands as a new kind of JRPG that rewards varieties of intelligent play and players who think on their feet.
bbbmoney's avatar
Panic! (Sega CD)

Panic! review (SCD)

Reviewed on December 30, 2012

Panic! Is…a difficult game to explain, or even to understand. I have a feeling that it is a game that is very much like marmite, either you love it or you absolutely hate it. I happen to like it but there are a lot of things in it that I can imagine many people hating.
maboroshi's avatar
New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)

New Super Mario Bros. U review (WIIU)

Reviewed on December 29, 2012

New Super Mario Bros. U isn't just a bad title for a game but a misnomer as well.
Leroux's avatar
Dishonored (PC)

Dishonored review (PC)

Reviewed on December 26, 2012

A fun, if disingenuous experience.
bbbmoney's avatar
Deathsmiles II X (Xbox 360)

Deathsmiles II X review (X360)

Reviewed on December 24, 2012

Released on the Xbox 360 as a retail title in Japan, it did not meet the same fate elsewhere, dooming it, like so many standalone shoot-em-ups these days, as an NTSC J exclusive. However, the Cave-developed horizontal shooter still managed to find an outlet in the most interesting of places: Xbox Live's Games on Demand US service.
dementedhut's avatar
Elements of Destruction (Xbox 360)

Elements of Destruction review (X360)

Reviewed on December 21, 2012

Getting laid off sucks, especially if you've dedicated 60 years of your life to a company. As the employer, there has to be a certain finesse to breaking the news to said person... hopefully.
dementedhut's avatar
Silent Hill (PlayStation)

Silent Hill review (PSX)

Reviewed on December 20, 2012

Silent Hill draws a map of the human psyche and at the edge of that map places a sign reading “Here be Monsters.”
zippdementia's avatar
Hotline Miami (PC)

Hotline Miami review (PC)

Reviewed on December 16, 2012

Trance out to some bopping electronic music and wipe the floor with thugs.
bbbmoney's avatar
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (PC)

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive review (PC)

Reviewed on December 10, 2012

Defusal or death
bbbmoney's avatar
Batman Returns (Genesis)

Batman Returns review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 10, 2012

I somehow mistook Batman Returns' gloomy cold opening, where the Caped Crusader fights his way to the top of a building and failing to save the Ice Princess from a plunge, as a sign that this side-scrolling platformer might be good.
dementedhut's avatar
NightSky (3DS)

NightSky review (3DS)

Reviewed on December 09, 2012

Sometimes, the levels will blur together and proceed quickly, with little to no challenge. When the ball gets to rolling swiftly through these areas, you're offered a free and spirited look into the essence of Nightsky. It has come together; it meshes. I think NightSky would have been better suited not to be a puzzler; instead, perhaps it shouldn't have been a game at all, but rather an interactive story. Nicalis clearly knows how to tug at your heart, as all of the game's flaws will assured...
Linkamoto's avatar
Resident Evil 6 (PlayStation 3)

Resident Evil 6 review (PS3)

Reviewed on December 04, 2012

Somewhere amidst the zombies, the parasites, the secret organizations, Resident Evil has lost itself. You can tell that Capcom wanted Resident Evil 6 to be big; an homage to sixteen years of fandom. The problem is, they don’t know who they are appealing to any more.
zippdementia's avatar
Hitman: Absolution (Xbox 360)

Hitman: Absolution review (X360)

Reviewed on December 03, 2012

Execution is everything, and IO Interactive followed their own motto with this crafty piece of software.
dementedhut's avatar
New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS)

New Super Mario Bros. 2 review (3DS)

Reviewed on December 02, 2012

Some people may be turned off by the game's seemingly flamboyant disregard for real change, but if you like Mario before, there's little reason to dislike this game.
Linkamoto's avatar
Mario Bros. (Arcade)

Mario Bros. review (ARC)

Reviewed on November 30, 2012

Pipe dream
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar

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