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You are currently looking through reader reviews for games that are available on every platform the site currently covers. Below, you will find reviews written by all eligible authors and sorted according to date of submission, with the newest content displaying first. As many as 20 results will display per page. If you would like to try a search with different parameters, specify them below and submit a new search.

Available Reviews
Resident Evil: Revelations (Xbox 360)

Resident Evil: Revelations review (X360)

Reviewed on May 29, 2013

Jill's ass is huge, so there's that.
bbbmoney's avatar
ESWAT: Cyber Police (Arcade)

ESWAT: Cyber Police review (ARC)

Reviewed on May 25, 2013

Perhaps the dorkiest protagonist to come out of Sega.
dementedhut's avatar
Final Fantasy XII (PlayStation 2)

Final Fantasy XII review (PS2)

Reviewed on May 22, 2013

FFXII is robust from a technical standpoint, it's enjoyable after acquiring a working knowledge of the game mechanics, and there’s a plethora of monster and item hunts to embark on. FFXII at least deserves some respect for what it has attempted, but it’s disappointing it isn’t better than it is
bigcj34's avatar
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi (Genesis)

Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi review (GEN)

Reviewed on May 18, 2013

Coming off the heels of Revenge of Shinobi, a highly-praised game during the Genesis' launch year, was Shadow Dancer, a follow-up that Revenge fans weren't expecting.
dementedhut's avatar
Lunar Pool (NES)

Lunar Pool review (NES)

Reviewed on May 16, 2013

As a billiards video game released in 1987, Lunar Pool must have served as a respectable simulation for what it was trying to accomplish. Today however, the game feels more like a puzzle game by bombarding players with rather strange looking tables with portals to pocket balls into. The majority of players may brush off the game as hard or antiquated. Others however, may find a long and challenging puzzle game wrapped around the rules of pool.
Sol1dus's avatar
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (Game Boy)

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins review (GB)

Reviewed on May 13, 2013

Following in the footsteps on Mario Land, ML2 is filled with wackiness from beginning to end. Its stellar soundtrack, originality and variety in environments more than make up for some of the platforming “floatiness” that is present in Mario's movement.
Sol1dus's avatar
Kirby's Dream Land (Game Boy)

Kirby's Dream Land review (GB)

Reviewed on May 11, 2013

Not so dreamy...
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Gauntlet II (NES)

Gauntlet II review (NES)

Reviewed on May 07, 2013

I dissect a game from my early childhood, does it hold up? only one way to find out.
maboroshi's avatar
WWF Royal Rumble (SNES)

WWF Royal Rumble review (SNES)

Reviewed on April 29, 2013

Warning: Contains nostalgic ramblings
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Darkest of Days (Xbox 360)

Darkest of Days review (X360)

Reviewed on April 28, 2013

Darkest of Days isn't going to win any awards for being one of the prettiest games on the Xbox 360, as it's a 2009 title that looks like an indie-made Source game released shortly after 2004's Half-Life 2. But if you've been aware of this game, chances are its looks aren't what piques your interest, instead you're intrigued by the premise: time travel.
dementedhut's avatar
Kabuki: Quantum Fighter (NES)

Kabuki: Quantum Fighter review (NES)

Reviewed on April 27, 2013

seemingly buried in the NES' great stash of platformers, does this game deserve to be remembered fondly? or be relegated to the "cheap shovelware bin" that games like friday the 13th or super pitfall? only one way to find out.
maboroshi's avatar
Koudelka (PlayStation)

Koudelka review (PSX)

Reviewed on April 24, 2013

Occasionally, I am overcome by the urge to try something different. When it comes to video games, “different” is precisely the sort of term that someone might use to describe Koudelka. Another apt label is “interesting,” thanks to the variety of good ideas that the developers implemented. Perhaps the game’s most noteworthy quality, though, is the way that it combines familiar survival horror and RPG elements to create a unique new experience with the potential to be truly special.
TomatoMan's avatar
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones (NES)

Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones review (NES)

Reviewed on April 21, 2013

dementedhut's avatar
Double Dragon II: The Revenge (NES)

Double Dragon II: The Revenge review (NES)

Reviewed on April 16, 2013

Could it be? Technos learned from its mistakes?
dementedhut's avatar
Borderlands (Xbox 360)

Borderlands review (X360)

Reviewed on March 31, 2013

The game play works incredibly well, but more polish on the more superficial aspects would have made this a game worth revisiting. It may have gotten the Game of the Year, but that was then; the GOTY edition with all of the DLC is affordable now and you’ll get a lot of hours out of it, sure. Borderlands 2 improves on its predecessor in every single way, though,
Mega5010's avatar
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom (Genesis)

Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom review (GEN)

Reviewed on March 27, 2013

ahh hubris thy name is Sega.
maboroshi's avatar
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Xbox 360)

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance review (X360)

Reviewed on March 26, 2013

For all the silly things that occurred in Metal Gear Solid 2, all the absurd situations Raiden was placed in, and for all the asinine codec conversations I had with Rose (single-handedly trying to stop super-powered terrorists, damn it!), there's one aspect I really enjoyed: using that sword.
dementedhut's avatar
Crysis 3 (PlayStation 3)

Crysis 3 review (PS3)

Reviewed on March 19, 2013

Crysis 3 doesn’t have any major flaws, but it also doesn’t offer anything out of the ordinary.
Chris_Strott's avatar
Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation)

Resident Evil 2 review (PSX)

Reviewed on March 18, 2013

Rest assured that Resident Evil 2 flies the flag for survival horror. Then, with the other hand, it injects itself with a syringe full of G-Virus and mutates into something bigger and badder than before.
Ally_Doig's avatar
Tomb Raider (Xbox 360)

Tomb Raider review (X360)

Reviewed on March 18, 2013

The reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise, aptly called Tomb Raider, is an excellent example of an action movie in video game form. Every appealing aspect of the action genre is present; Explosions, Bloody fights, Explosions, powerful weapons, a Thrilling story, and still more Explosions.
Chris_Strott's avatar

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