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You are currently looking through reader reviews for games that are available on every platform the site currently covers. Below, you will find reviews written by all eligible authors and sorted according to date of submission, with the newest content displaying first. As many as 20 results will display per page. If you would like to try a search with different parameters, specify them below and submit a new search.

Available Reviews
Hook Champ (iOS)

Hook Champ review (IOS)

Reviewed on May 02, 2015

Give your tomb raider a fez if you like. It only costs twenty bucks.
JANUS2's avatar
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (PC)

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings review (PC)

Reviewed on May 02, 2015

They've got all of this lore and no place to put it.
Suskie's avatar
Iron Fisticle (PC)

Iron Fisticle review (PC)

Reviewed on April 22, 2015

Big money! Big turnips! I love it!!
dementedhut's avatar
Future Tactics: The Uprising (PlayStation 2)

Future Tactics: The Uprising review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 11, 2015

It's really fun to experiment with tactics and ideas that aren't even on the table in most strategy games, such as blowing through cover, hiding in craters the crossfire has created, knocking enemies off cliffs, dropping cars on them, etc. The game's flaws are really glaring in a modern light.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
Labyrinth (DS)

Labyrinth review (DS)

Reviewed on April 09, 2015

No balls.
dementedhut's avatar
Beneath a Steel Sky: Remastered (iOS)

Beneath a Steel Sky: Remastered review (IOS)

Reviewed on April 08, 2015

The dialogue, characterisation and puzzles are so full of mad character and creative energy that you can ignore the grand narrative and still enjoy the adventure. Sure, it’s a little rough around the edges, but that’s part of the charm.
JANUS2's avatar
Kendo Rage (SNES)

Kendo Rage review (SNES)

Reviewed on March 31, 2015

Kendo Rage began life as a Japanese adventure starring a young girl who fights monsters with the aid of a spirit detective. For the US release, things were changed slightly...
JANUS2's avatar
Dead Nation (PlayStation 3)

Dead Nation review (PS3)

Reviewed on March 28, 2015

I'm starting to get tired of twin stick shooters. I find myself not so interested in some of the new ones that come out even if they look kind of cool because I know the gameplay will be end up involving the same kinds of tactics and situations as all its genre brethren. Miraculously, it breaks with standard twin stick tropes in a few interesting ways that made it really enjoyable.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
Bioshock: Challenge Rooms (PlayStation 3)

Bioshock: Challenge Rooms review (PS3)

Reviewed on March 28, 2015

Although it is almost completely lacking a story, the three included levels are fully realized and could be plugged right into the main game with very little fuss. Since a little more original style Bioshock was exactly what I was looking for, this was perfect.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
The Legend of Kage 2 (DS)

The Legend of Kage 2 review (DS)

Reviewed on March 22, 2015

A successor. That's, well, that's one way to describe this game.
dementedhut's avatar
Risk of Rain (PC)

Risk of Rain review (PC)

Reviewed on March 16, 2015

Something old, something new.
Germ's avatar
Discworld (PlayStation)

Discworld review (PSX)

Reviewed on March 13, 2015

Once you get out of the University, you'll get to see that the rest of the town is not much better. Ankh Morpork is a circular city with it's own map over which you'll travel to various areas and meet some really colourful individuals, like the retired adventurers who never stop yapping about how they killed ogres, dragons and the like in their days with nothing but their well oiled muscles and bravado. Or the World's tallest dwarf…which is basically a human, but he identifies himself as a dwarf...
darketernal's avatar
Crossbow (Atari 2600)

Crossbow review (A2600)

Reviewed on March 13, 2015

Off the mark
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
3D Fantasy Zone (3DS)

3D Fantasy Zone review (3DS)

Reviewed on March 12, 2015

Action! Politics! Riots! Tragedy! Adorable!
dementedhut's avatar
Ring of Red (PlayStation 2)

Ring of Red review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 09, 2015

Watching a video of Ring of Red might convince you that it is almost exactly like Front Mission. But just a few minutes into playing the game you'll discover that its battle system is radically different than most turn-based games. As far as I know, there isn't really anything even remotely like it.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
Pokémon Shuffle (3DS)

Pokémon Shuffle review (3DS)

Reviewed on March 09, 2015

Damn it, Nintendo.
Suskie's avatar
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (Wii U)

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse review (WIIU)

Reviewed on March 07, 2015

It's nowhere near as revelatory now, but it demonstrates that the original formula wasn't a mere novelty. This is sincerely clever, time-tested stuff.
Suskie's avatar
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (PlayStation 3)

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 16, 2015

I wonder how I would like this game if it ran buttery smooth. As is, Lost Planet is a pretty flawed game to begin with. Add in the fact that you have to play it in slow motion and have your mind assaulted by terrible, long cutscenes and it's kind of a torturous experience.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
Thomas Was Alone (PlayStation 3)

Thomas Was Alone review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 06, 2015

So many games in this crowded genre do everything so much better than Thomas Was Alone that it is almost totally obsolete. It's only worth playing if you are really interested in it's main theme or if you are a fan of the designer.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
Planets Under Attack (PlayStation 3)

Planets Under Attack review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 06, 2015

Unfortunately Planets Under Attack is a worse version of Galcon Labs, which already had its problems.
Robotic_Attack's avatar

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