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You are currently looking through reader reviews for games that are available on every platform the site currently covers. Below, you will find reviews written by all eligible authors and sorted according to date of submission, with the newest content displaying first. As many as 20 results will display per page. If you would like to try a search with different parameters, specify them below and submit a new search.

Available Reviews
Risk of Rain (PC)

Risk of Rain review (PC)

Reviewed on July 11, 2015

...extremely addicting and will have you playing over and over and over again and having new experiences the whole time.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
Skydive: Proximity Flight (Xbox 360)

Skydive: Proximity Flight review (X360)

Reviewed on July 07, 2015

Fleeting jubilation.
dementedhut's avatar
Axiom Verge (PlayStation 4)

Axiom Verge review (PS4)

Reviewed on July 06, 2015

Release this thing under the Nintendo brand, and it'd be the best thing to happen to the Metroid series since Prime.
Suskie's avatar
Antichamber (PC)

Antichamber review (PC)

Reviewed on July 04, 2015

An austere and at times quite cold experience, Antichamber is one of the critically acclaimed indie darlings that have become oh so common in recent years. But is it actually good? Please read on to discover my two cents.
maboroshi's avatar
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PlayStation 3)

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception review (PS3)

Reviewed on July 03, 2015

Pointless diversions, mundanity and loud, obnoxious emptiness.
Suskie's avatar
Etrian Mystery Dungeon (3DS)

Etrian Mystery Dungeon review (3DS)

Reviewed on June 28, 2015

The bottom floor of each dungeon has a boss, and at this point you suddenly do get full control over your party. It's far more of a relief than it should be. Now, at last, I can make everybody do what I want them to do, and it feels like the party is finally showing its real effectiveness.
sashanan's avatar
Crash City Mayhem (3DS)

Crash City Mayhem review (3DS)

Reviewed on June 21, 2015

Once you hit the van and retrieve the watch, you then race towards the designated spot, all while being chased by police, jumping off tow truck ramps, and crashing into a parked airplane. In a Formula One car, no less.
dementedhut's avatar
Looney Tunes Dash! (Android)

Looney Tunes Dash! review (AND)

Reviewed on June 20, 2015

99% of us won't spend a dime on this game.
Germ's avatar
Fallout Shelter (iOS)

Fallout Shelter review (IOS)

Reviewed on June 18, 2015

Dennis Harvey has 100% happiness, although I might have to remove him from the lounge soon. There are now a lot of Harveys in the vault, and he rightly refuses to have sex with his daughters.
JANUS2's avatar
Magrunner: Dark Pulse (PlayStation 3)

Magrunner: Dark Pulse review (PS3)

Reviewed on June 13, 2015

Magrunner looked like an interesting game to me, but I was shocked at how good its puzzle design is. It shocks me how many games there are out there with these really, really well thought out puzzles. They must take hours and hours to design, and my hat is off to the people whose minds can bring them to life. Even more surprising is that Magrunner pulls off an interesting story and themes, great visual design, and one of the best fearful voice acting performances I've ever heard.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
Heart Beaten (3DS)

Heart Beaten review (3DS)

Reviewed on June 08, 2015

Title feels eerily meta after playing it...
dementedhut's avatar
Bioshock 2: The Protector Trials (PlayStation 3)

Bioshock 2: The Protector Trials review (PS3)

Reviewed on June 06, 2015

Protector Trials is a horrible, throw-away DLC pack with nothing original about it. It's not remotely worth playing. It feels like a demo for the main game, not a follow-up that inspires fond memories and gives interesting new content like a good DLC pack does. At least Bioshock 2 has the amazing Minerva's Den. Play that instead of this.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PlayStation 3)

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons review (PS3)

Reviewed on May 30, 2015

Brothers is an experience game. It fits right in there with Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. Standing with that crowd and having unique and interesting single-player-doing-co-op gameplay is a massive achievement.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
Rengoku II: The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N. (PSP)

Rengoku II: The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N. review (PSP)

Reviewed on May 30, 2015

Rengoku II shocked me with its brilliance. I couldn't believe how it took everything about the first game and made it a million times better when I was just hoping for slight improvements. The story, the gameplay, the customization, the graphics, everything is top notch. This game flirts with perfection.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
The Last Guy (PlayStation 3)

The Last Guy review (PS3)

Reviewed on May 30, 2015

The Last Guy is a pretty unique game. The first thing you might notice are the “graphics.” The game has a directly overhead view. Each level is a city, and although you can adjust the view, you generally are looking at from very high up. That's because each level is made up of actual aerial photographs of the real life cities they are set in. As you might imagine, this is pretty stinkin' cool.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
A Dark Room (iOS)

A Dark Room review (IOS)

Reviewed on May 26, 2015

The problem with A Dark Room is that progress feels inevitable.
JANUS2's avatar
Resistance: Fall of Man (PlayStation 3)

Resistance: Fall of Man review (PS3)

Reviewed on May 22, 2015

Resistance doesn’t waste time showing you the way. There's a war to win, and you should already know how to fight.
wolfqueen001's avatar
Zuma (PlayStation 3)

Zuma review (PS3)

Reviewed on May 16, 2015

Zuma is an evil, evil game that teleports you several hours through through your evening straight to bed-time when you swore to yourself you would just try a few rounds.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
Demon's Souls (PlayStation 3)

Demon's Souls review (PS3)

Reviewed on May 15, 2015

By demons be driven
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Hand of Fate (PC)

Hand of Fate review (PC)

Reviewed on May 04, 2015

While I've played better games this year, none were as immediately likeable as Hand of Fate.
Suskie's avatar

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