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Review Archives (Reader Reviews)

You are currently looking through reader reviews for games that are available on every platform the site currently covers. Below, you will find reviews written by all eligible authors and sorted according to date of submission, with the newest content displaying first. As many as 20 results will display per page. If you would like to try a search with different parameters, specify them below and submit a new search.

Available Reviews
Watch This! (PC)

Watch This! review (PC)

Reviewed on October 05, 2016

Parkour your way past monsters and deathtraps for the world to see on live television
silversuriv's avatar
The King of Route 66 (PlayStation 2)

The King of Route 66 review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 05, 2016

Because you needed more 18 Wheeler in your life.
dementedhut's avatar
Layers of Fear (PC)

Layers of Fear review (PC)

Reviewed on October 04, 2016

This psychedelic horror can vary surroundings at the turn of the camera
silversuriv's avatar
Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation)

Resident Evil 2 review (PSX)

Reviewed on October 04, 2016

Bring on the night...
zork86's avatar
Resident Evil (Saturn)

Resident Evil review (SAT)

Reviewed on October 03, 2016

Resident Upheaval
truck_101's avatar
Final Fantasy IV (3D Remake) (PC)

Final Fantasy IV (3D Remake) review (PC)

Reviewed on October 03, 2016

A somewhat lackluster mobile-port-to-PC disappointed, but it’s easy to overlook design choices when everything else is so solid.
hastypixels's avatar
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (SNES)

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest review (SNES) feedback bubble

Reviewed on October 02, 2016

FFMQ has light hearted everything and is a warning to unwary players that growth through sacrifice is real.
hastypixels's avatar
Demolition Racer: No Exit (Dreamcast)

Demolition Racer: No Exit review (DC)

Reviewed on September 26, 2016

Gleeful Malice
dementedhut's avatar
Chroma Squad (PC)

Chroma Squad review (PC)

Reviewed on September 24, 2016

It may look like a fan tribute to bucket helmeted heros, but under the coloured suits is a solid RTS with a heart of gold.
hastypixels's avatar
Audiosurf 2 (PC)

Audiosurf 2 review (PC)

Reviewed on September 24, 2016

Outshining its precedessor with what might have been a software patch. Sigh.
hastypixels's avatar
Audiosurf (PC)

Audiosurf review (PC)

Reviewed on September 24, 2016

Audiosurf was DRM and DLC free, but now entirely forgettable thanks to its sequel. Oh the ignomy!
hastypixels's avatar
Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty (PC)

Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty review (PC)

Reviewed on September 22, 2016

The original RTS.
Nightfire's avatar
The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day (PC)

The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day review (PC)

Reviewed on September 19, 2016

A compelling start into a world of AI-driven robotic conspiracies
silversuriv's avatar
Enter the Gungeon (PC)

Enter the Gungeon review (PC)

Reviewed on September 16, 2016

An eccentric bullet-hell/rogue-like jam-packed with gun-toting, diabolical, and electrifying enemies.
silversuriv's avatar
Dance Magic (PC)

Dance Magic review (PC)

Reviewed on September 16, 2016

Import & play with your own songs in this dance game where battles take on a whole new form.
silversuriv's avatar
Grandia (PlayStation)

Grandia review (PSX)

Reviewed on September 16, 2016

Great at most everything except the ability to challenge.
overdrive's avatar

TOXIKK review (PC)

Reviewed on September 10, 2016

TOXIKK brings back classic arena FPS like it is still 1999
silversuriv's avatar
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (PC)

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes review (PC)

Reviewed on September 10, 2016

Intentionally designed miscommunciation and convoluted instructions...brilliant!
silversuriv's avatar
Charge 'N Blast (Dreamcast)

Charge 'N Blast review (DC)

Reviewed on September 09, 2016

dementedhut's avatar
Stardew Valley (PC)

Stardew Valley review (PC)

Reviewed on September 06, 2016

Stardew Valley is a farming and micro-management sim/RPG oozing with charm and brimming with life.
silversuriv's avatar

Additional Results (20 per page)

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