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Available Reviews
Resident Evil (PlayStation)

Resident Evil review (PSX)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

A timeless blood-stained classic.
maxh's avatar
Jet Force Gemini (Nintendo 64)

Jet Force Gemini review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

The aggravating backtracking and such makes the game’s fun factor take a nose dive. But, if you don't mind not finishing the game, it's still an incredible experience while the fun lasts. It just so happens that the fun doesn't last throughout the entire game.
mariner's avatar
Dr. Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)

Dr. Mario 64 review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

On the other hand, it is pleasantly addicting. It’s fairly relaxing to play, and it’s nice to watch you progress towards victory. Tetris may be harrowing and frantic at times, but this is much more laid back.
mariner's avatar
F-Zero X (Nintendo 64)

F-Zero X review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

This game is guaranteed to be a challenge for anyone, no matter how talented you are. And that is most definitely a good thing.
mariner's avatar
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (Nintendo 64)

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Jumping is virtually impossible, and it’s even worse when you get to the jetpack. I abhor games with bad controls, so you can bet that this one won’t make me happy. Falling off a cliff a couple dozen times because Dash doesn’t understand that difficult concept we call jumping is not great gameplay in my book.
mariner's avatar
Super Castlevania IV (SNES)

Super Castlevania IV review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I am a huge fan of the Castlevania series, and this game was one of the main reasons I bought the Super Nintendo. This game was distinctly one of the highest rating in the series, and I expected much from of it. It matched those hopes, but however it did not go above and beyond. Don't get me wrong, this is a great game, but is also not as good as the Dracula Curse game that came before it, and some of the others to come after.
ratking's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Nintendo 64)

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask review (N64)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

The game seems to focus a lot on Link’s character. Tatl (the fairy) in particular does an excellent job commentating, and was much more interesting than Navi. The notebook system also lets us see the more human (or Hylian, as the case may be) side of Link.
mariner's avatar
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES)

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars review (SNES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Some may have never thought it would happen. Some may have thought they would never see the day. But it happened. Nintendo and Square teamed up for the first time in an effort to co-create a game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Combining Nintendo's great mascot with Square's great RPG-creating abilities, 1996 saw Mario in his first RPG, in the hit game Super Mario RPG.
royalranger's avatar
A Boy and His Blob (NES)

A Boy and His Blob review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

David Crane is recognized as one of the most prestigious and influential classic game developers there is. His impressive résumé notices him as the creator of Pitfall, the #1 best-selling game on the Atari 2600, and also as the founder of Activision, a 1970's video game company still in business today. Yes, David Crane has met with quite some success throughout the years, not excluding another of his works, A Boy and his Blob, a great 2D platformer for the Nintendo Entertainment Sy...
royalranger's avatar
Cannon Spike (Dreamcast)

Cannon Spike review (DC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Flashy and fun, Cannon Spike from Capcom is hardcore 16-bit action down to the bone. The wild game mocks other games and features other Capcom stars like Cammy Lee, Charlie, Arthur, Simone (I don't know where she's from), the disturbing little girl from DarkStalkers B.B. Hood, Shiba, and the legendary Mega Man. Its a relatively cheap ($30) follow-up to more cerebral DC efforts like Shenmue and Skies of Arcadia.
pestes's avatar
EGG: Elemental Gimmick Gear (Dreamcast)

EGG: Elemental Gimmick Gear review (DC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

No game in the history of gaming (except perhaps E.T. for the 2600), has made me want to put a hammer to one of my systems more than EGG: Elemental Gimmick Gear, a horrible action-RPG for the Dreamcast from the usually reliable Hudson Soft.
pestes's avatar
Yoshi's Cookie (NES)

Yoshi's Cookie review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Yoshi's Cookie, released by Nintendo in 1993, is one of the last of the Tetris-style NES games and is one of the last NES games ever to be put out on the market. In fact, I kind of remember the commercial for it. I think there was a bunch of kids walking out of a building like zombies and saying, ''Cookie! Cookie!'' Anyway, that's irrelevant right now. After all, I didn't spend my time writing this just to tell you my personal experiences with commercialized zombies.
royalranger's avatar
Evolution 2: Far Off Promise (Dreamcast)

Evolution 2: Far Off Promise review (DC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Wow. A mere 6 months after we get the first RPG for Dreamcast, we get a sequel. Actually, Evolution 2: A Far Off Promise is more of a remix than a full-blooded sequel, in my opinion.
pestes's avatar
Felix the Cat (NES)

Felix the Cat review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I was absolutely impressed the first time I rented this game years ago. Felix the Cat, released by Hudson Software in 1992, is more than just the boring platformer that I thought it would be. It's another one of those overlooked NES games that deserved more attention than it recieved. It may not be the best platformer out there, but it sure is a great video game creation that shouldn't be overlooked as much as it was.
royalranger's avatar
Grandia II (Dreamcast)

Grandia II review (DC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

The second RPG to hit the Dreamcast is its most anticipated. Sporting impressive visuals and an epic scope, Grandia 2 proves to be, unfortunately, a rather underwhelming experience. In spite of that, Grandia 2 is still a must have for the DC owner.
pestes's avatar
Duck Hunt (NES)

Duck Hunt review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Imagine it's 1985. An open field... a gun... a tree... a dog... a laugh in the face... a live duck... now a dead duck... a flash of light. What do these things remind you of? Well, they all have to do with the game, Duck Hunt! If you haven't played this game yet, you had better jump up on the bandwagon of players who know what this classic game is all about!
royalranger's avatar
Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes (Dreamcast)

Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes review (DC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Based off of one of 8 Gundam series, Bandai's giant robot stomper comes stateside possibly due in part to the success of Gundam Wing popping up on Cartoon Network's Toonami. Fans of that show who pick up the game for $44.99 (its going price at Best Buy and other places) may be dissapointed to find that Heero Yui or the God of Death aren't in this one.
pestes's avatar
Maniac Mansion (NES)

Maniac Mansion review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Maniac Mansion was an Adventure/RPG game originally created by Lucasarts for the PC. This version had eventually become a hit, so the designers decided to port the game to the NES with the help of a publishing contract with Jaleco. Nintendo's strict game censorship forced Lucasarts to remove many items from the game, but they were lucky enough to still manage to finish a full version of Maniac Mansion for the NES.
royalranger's avatar
NFL 2K1 (Dreamcast)

NFL 2K1 review (DC)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

I've played many a football game in my day, but none of them have ever matched Super Tecmo Bowl for the NES, not even last year's stellar NFL 2K. Now, the folks at Visual Concepts have just made that old Tecmo dev team weep bitterly- NFL 2K1 is the best football game ever made. EVER. The game is fine tuned to perfection, with only a few (understandable) faults.
pestes's avatar
Boulder Dash (NES)

Boulder Dash review (NES)

Reviewed on Date Unknown

Boulder Dash is a puzzle/action game that was designed, published, and released in 1990 with the involvement of First Star Software, Victor Musical Industries, and Data East Corporation (I really have absolutely no idea who the heck did what). Unfortunately, this game never did receive the proper recognition that it deserved very much. Why am I sitting here babbling? Anyway, read on and you'll see why I consider it a great game.
royalranger's avatar

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